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408 Stroker

Feb 15, 2013
Hey Guy's this question is for the Stroker comunity, I'm going to build a 408 and was wondering if anyone has built one and used the serpentine pulley system off of the 5.0 Explorer, or is it even possible? I have the pulley system already but i'm not sure if it will work with the stroker crank, and if it will am i able to use the harmonic balancer or have to get a different one that will work with the Explorer set up? Hope i made this make sence, just don't want to order anything without knowing what works and what don't.

Thanks, and anyone that has built a 408 i have a few other Questions:eek:


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
This will help a lot http://classicbroncos.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196925
Yes, the Explorer serpentine system works very well. Couple ways of doing it. Get a stroker kit set up for 50 oz-in and just use the damper and matching 50 oz-in flywheel as well. Just check the correct option box on the order form. But some people don't like that much weight outside the crankshaft, so you can order up a standard 28 or even a nuetral balance stroker rotating assambly. Get a 3-bolt damper to match (and flywheel as well) and pick up an adaptor pulley from Driven Auto parts. And yet another way, get the Explorer damper rebalanced down to what the stroker kit needs.


Just a Bronco driver for over 50 yrs!
Jul 31, 2001
DampnerDudes.com did my last one and will be neutral balancing both my Exploder dampner and my flexplate for my 418 build. I just talked to them last week about it in fact...

Nice thing about using the Exploder one is there aren't any alignment issues either.


Bronco Guru
Jun 3, 2008
Castle Pines, CO
Go 28 oz and your crank won't look like Swiss cheese. New 28oz dampers aren't that expensive.

5.0L Explorer serpentine actually works better on the 351W block....much more room and it's spread out more. Also, no issues with clearance on the lower pulley and frame.

(Water neck is wrong in these pics. I've since swapped it out with the 90 degree Explorer unit.)


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Feb 15, 2013
Hey thanks a lot for all the replies!! Here's a couple other questions for you guys- I'm lookin at a comp cams# 35-239-3 Xtreme 4x4 Flat tappit cam, with a set of AFR 185cc heads, and Sealth dual plain intake. I want something that i can run pump gas for a daily driver, but want some 35" tire shreding power on the weekends. any sugestions on what size cc pistons & heads to get me to the compression i need? also what about the carb size? I'm doing a lot of research and find that everyone has a different opinion on what is to big or to small? I'm kind of set on a Holley, (750?). if you guys have some insight on any of this i'd really appreciate the input. open to diff cams and what products your running with part #'s please. Also what about rockers? Sorry so many questions just want a kick butt dependable motor. Thanks my Bronco Family


Just a Bronco driver for over 50 yrs!
Jul 31, 2001
X2 on the roller block or at least retrofit roller cam/lifters. Much flatter torque. Unless you are really into research, love #'s, and have some good background knowledge...buy a kit that is already designed and proven to do what you want. BUT, check out the kits...there are a lot of cheap stroker kits out there...

Check out this builder... he builds hundreds of strokers (all of them Ford), every year and has nothing but good feedback-seriously, nothing but positive feedback.


Cams are the heart...I had 3 different cams recommended by Comp Cam techs...remember, they're selling cams and you'll probably happy with it because you won't know any better. Go custom, it's only a few dollars more.

Getting long...