Well fellas, I debated long and hard on whether or not to comment on this ad, and I just feel I need to. Lesson learned for showing what can happen when you think you are taking the high road and doing the right thing. I contacted the seller of this bronco this morning off of his ad on craigslist. At the moment I contacted him he just thought he had a 66 half cab that was a camp truck, no title, and in ruff shape and he was asking $1,800 or best offer. He also said he could find no Vin # for the truck. I asked him to send some specific pics. Got him to clean off the corner of the grill over the head light rings. At this time he had no idea what an eyebrow grill was. After I informed him where to find the Vin tag, he did find it. He read off the Vin number and I informed him he had an August of 65 Build Roadster. He had no idea they came with no top and no doors, and also had no clue how rare this truck was. I asked him if he could let me contact Bajafresh75 (Chris) because I knew Chris would be interested in the truck, and Chris would probably be the best home for this based on Chris's love and excellent work with Roadsters. I even joked around with the owner telling him I should tell him he really had nothing of value, but if I did that I would not be able to sleep at night. So I told him exactly what he had. I did not ask for any type of commission or compensation for getting involved, but I know that if I could help Chris become aware of this truck, he might work out a deal for some parts I am looking for for my 66 Build. I even have another early 66 Roadster that I am working on getting Chris involved with, and I have asked nothing for that deal except first shot at some parts off the truck that Chris will not need. I am posting this because the way this was handled is not what the nature of this site is about. It is people helping people. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling the owner exactly what he had when he had no clue what he was sitting on and by doing so it has just turned around and bit me. Even though you may not believe what I am getting ready to say, I truely do wish Scott ( yes, his name is Scott also ) good luck with his sale. If this situation happens to me again, I will still take the high road and inform the the owner of exactly what he has. I guess I will just continue to be surprised how some decide to conduct themselves.