would love to come but it looks like it's a bit far for me......;D
would love to come but it looks like it's a bit far for me......;D
Too far???? it's only 3.5 hours past Townsend. You range that far everynight foraging for snacks!;D
What time does the gathering begin?
Hey Lane, g8rb8t posted a link(thanks)!!! I'll go up about 1PM and try to get a row for the EBs. Folks start coming earlier and park and go have lunch. If ya' wait til 4 or 5 it gets real crowded, 2-3PM would be the best time to get there and then leave when ever ya' need to!!! They will be there til dark thirty!!!;D;D
There's a rumor that others are bringing door prizes!!!!! You sure don't want to miss that!!!!;D;D%);D