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'73 fuel-line PLUMBING PROBLEM- (that 6 way valve)



Jr. Member
Oct 31, 2002
Richmond, Virginia (Home of Duke's Mayonaise)
WeLLLLLLLL... :)<br><br>I F I N A L L Y got it fixed! Last week I had gone out and bout tons of stuff from <br><br>Advanced... Fuel Line clamps- some new line, hoseclamps....(and all sorts of <br><br>other new car goodies) and so yesterday I finally had my buddies help push me <br><br>out of the drive way and down the hill to the garage ( doing the fuel line work <br><br>outdoors- I thought I might have to drain the tanks.. but the garage is all clean <br><br>and ready.)<br><br>So- first thing- i get under there and clamp off two lines that had been swapped- <br><br>it's a lonnng story but when I 1st had fuel draining out of the charcoal cannister, <br><br>the seller told me that if ANYTHING was wrong, that it could only be thest two <br><br>lines from the main tank that he might have put in backwards.. Well they were <br><br>NOT in backwards- the fuel to the charc can was caused by an insidious <br><br>disappearing and reappearing problem... <br><br>first of all- there was a kinked hose running from the rear of truck forward - I <br><br>believe that this caused the initial pressure build-up that pushed fuel out of the <br><br>charcoal cannister.<br><br>though ... before i found that, i had heard the owner and switched the main tank <br><br>sending line, with the main tank return line...<br><br>so-first I switch the lines- and the truck still runs<br><br>then I took off the charc. can. and plugged the vent hose- <br><br>( this sends fuel into the evap ( or mixing can) in wall behind drivers door..<br><br>next I relieved some pressure by finding the kink and eradicating it. ( kink <br><br>caused by having 8" of hose where only 4 was needed.. during these above <br><br>steps- the truck ran fine- though the pressure did send the fuel everywhere and it <br><br>was dripping perilously near the flowmaster duel exhaust..<br><br>at this point I have read a bunch ( and owe many thanks to all who answered my <br><br>plea) and understand MUCH better how the emissions & fuel systems work... so <br><br>i go ahead and unplug the vent line to the charc. can.- though I have yet to rehang <br><br>it .. I still see some small drops of fuel at the end of that vent line- so i'll see if <br><br>that's cleared up..<br><br>can anybody tell me of the two metal lines coming out of the main tank ( from the <br><br>center of the sending unit) which is which? One is thin and one is thicker metal <br><br>line...<br><br>that brings me up to yesterday- when I found the real culprit- the one that had <br><br>actually stopped the car from STARTING in the end.. OK- so when ( in the middle of all of this leaky line stuff,) the truck stopped running completely- it was caused by an incideous phantom.<br><br>.... the parking brake... <br><br>see- when the 6 way valve bit the dust- and the seller put in the 4 way- he had to run some of the lines somewhere other than the valve. so there are 4 lines to the back of the valve- though there is another that runs to a "t" and that is the one that- when smushed by the P brake- simply folded in half and then NO gas went to the engine. I don't always use the parking brake, so when I did, that line got crimped - and the car wouldnt start at all. Problem disappears and reappears.. S'enough to drive ya bats- eh?<br><br>Whew! FINALLY! What a relief.<br><br>OK- so here are my questions:<br><br>on each tank , there are two metal lines coming out of the sending unit.. one is fat and one is thinner- so- which is which, huh?<br><br>one is the feed line and one the return line- but which is which? (the carb sends back fuel that it doesn't use- right?)<br><br>that means the back of the truck is routed thusly: <br><br>the two lines coming off of the main tank's sending unit- (feed and return)<br><br>as well as one line ( somewhere- h'aint seen it yet:) coming off of the passenger side of the main tank and running to the charcoal canister.<br><br>so that brings us up to three of six.. <br><br>the other two lines coming off of the aux. tank's sending unit- (feed and return) and the other MUST be a vent line from the aux tank....( I have yet to dig this one up, either)<br><br>So this week I need to order the lock rings and gaskets for each tank- ( at this point I have a slow leak at the bottom lip of the aux tank- that's it) and install those- replace the ball float in the main tank & see if the lock and gasket solve the aux tank drips..<br><br>:)Thanks again to all, for all of your help:)<br><br>....on each tank , there are two metal lines coming out of the sending unit.. one is fat and one is thinner- so- which is which, huh?<br>Ash


Bronco Guru
Jul 13, 2001
You got me swinging.....on my '76 I only have 1 line comming out of the sending units (main,aux). But if I had to wage a guess I would have to say that the larger is for return. I base this assumption on the fact that on my tanks there is a larger "port" (not fill or vent).