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Add-a-leafs bolt


Bronco Guru
Sep 8, 2002
Waterford, MI
I bought a slighty used suspension kit with add-a-leafs for the rear. The kit is complete except for the bolt which goes through all the leafs...does anybody know the length and thread type for stock(my Bronco is over at school, but I wanted to get the hardware tonight)? And would a longer grade-8 hardware bolt work?


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
My stock(6 leaf spring pack) bolts are 2 3/4" long 3/8" dia. you should be able to modify a bolt to work the hole in the leaf spring perch is 1/2" so you will need to round the hex head off to make it fit unless you can find a cap head bolt that will work

El Jefe

Bronco Guru
Oct 20, 2002
get an allen bolt (usually these are grade 6 or 8) and will fit through the leaves. The one that came with my superlift kit didnt fit through the original leaves. I ended up using a grade 5 regular hex head bolt long enough to thread thru all the stack.