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Alaska off Road Warriors ; on History Channel


Full Member
Feb 3, 2006
Central Washington
I just watched this I caught it on the dvr.....the only way I'll watch this show is on DVR so I can skip the dumb parts....which drama is stupid, where did they cast this show a trailer park? With whatever was parked there at the time? I think my stock explorer would have out wheeled a few of those rigs....

I will still watch it, because it is a train wreck, the teaser for next show a guy is knocked out hitting the rollbar,

And the Rover is limping through it already...I did like their trail fix..

I went to the Northwest Trail Jamboree a year or so back....mostly jeeps a few land cruisers and my then very stock suspension bronco. (Which did very well) But there were so many well built rigs there with awesome drivers that would have been cool to see in a cross country race like this.
I was surprised nobody had onboard Air or a welder....this makes Alaskans look like a novice wheelers. I'm sure there's 4x4 clubs up there wincing in pain watching this train wreck...

I guess if they casted awesome rigs with solid drivers there would be no reality tv drama


Mar 8, 2007
that's too funny.. I'm watchig the first episode myself today..

OMG, I just watched this. I live 30 minutes from the trail they rode. It's basically an ORV park with special rules for the area, because of so many small kids and families on the trail. It took them 15 hours round trip. My daughter completed the exact same round trip when she was 12, on a 4-wheeler, in less than 6 hours. This area is so tame, I take the motor-home out there and let the kids run free. I was up by the glacier one time, and saw a family who's kids had ridden two of those Suzuki 90 4-wheeler's out there. Granted I'm sure they had to put them on something to cross the river, but really, the show is a little dramatic for a trail a Suzuki 90 can handle.

But I'll probably watch next week, just to see which of my other stomping grounds they head out to.


Bronco Guru
May 9, 2010
Just watched episode 2. Still funny to watch. I did like how the guy who was bitching about the trees in the last episode did not use a tree saver to winch hisself out of the mud at the end of the show.:mad: Seems like a lot of just dirt trails they are cruising on for the most part.



Lick Creek Restorations
Jul 25, 2010
I'm not overly impressed with the whole lot. It is entertaining and educational as a what not to do I think. For me to plan a trip like that my rig would have to be in top notch shape, not overkill but look like I at least took time to prepare for an adventure like that. I see vehicles that look like they came straight from the used car lot, hockey puck BL and slap some big tires on it. With the anticipation I expected to see some sponsors like warn winches, or interco etc. It is entertainment but not something I could see myself doing the way they are. Like someone else pointed out it is more like watching a really bad version of a Top Gear knock off.


Bronco Guru
Mar 10, 2004
I just watched it online... Did I miss something or did the big guy get knocked out like they showed in the "teaser" from episode one?


Bronco Guru
Mar 18, 2004
Eoth I thought I missed it too! The only reason I watched episode 2 was to watch him get knocked out. I didn't see any more previews of it either.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Didnt catch show 2 yet. The Rover guy is a idiot. Whines about the trees but he was out there cutting them down? A little bark damage vs cutting it down.
Actually I dont really mind there vehicles. While seeing highly modified rigs compete is great and all. Id much rather see something near stock do the same thing afterall dont most of us run similar vehicles?
Decent entertainment value for me as at least it involves trucks offroad and for the most part alaskan rednecks.;) Much better than watching a bunch of people make fools of themselves in house.

Mountain Ram

Recovering Masshole
May 8, 2011
Abingdon, VA
Getting so tired of these shows... Watched Gas Monkey this evening and it was all about an ego trip for one of Rawlings friends.... No car tech- all David Hasselhoff and Eric Estrada... Really?

At least Alaskan ORW was more entertaining last night...


New Member
Jul 9, 2013
not overly impressed with this show either. Episode two wasnt that great. They are adding sound affects to the winches when winching, and i saw a fake plume of steam come from the rover when it hit the big mud hole at the end...

I do think that the 2nd gen 4runner with the solid front axle is a pretty nice rig, and Carls jeep is probably better than portrayed. But he really could stand to organize his d-rings better than zip tied to the roll bar. Maybe he just doesnt need it as often.

oh yea and no one got knocked out... but the rover guy did run out of breathe..:cry:


Lick Creek Restorations
Jul 25, 2010
Well my issue with the stock-ish rigs, if any of us were out doing this, we would never be too far from help. They are supposedly blazing away through Alaska with no help in sight, I would not want a stock rig for that... even a race where your fellow travelers will not help you if you break down. My rig would be the best of what is necessary, proper sized axles, gears, tires for the drivetrain combo. Lockers etc and not ARB, mechanical, things that are inherently reliable etc. I would have a real roll cage or exo cage etc. These are not high dollar items in the jist of things, just well placed expenses. Spares, I would have at least a few spare axles and shafts etc. spare tire, bead lock wheels even a spare tube. They are supposed to be in the middle of no-where.... also, where are they getting their fuel? None of these rigs could travel 100 miles through off road obstacles and not burn at least 25 gallons of fuel... I do not see spare jerry cans etc. or I would have at least portrayed the reality of truth, each camp site the air drop supplies etc... They are focusing on the drama, most of it made up IMHO and not on the race wtc. I think any one of us would be a lot better prepared and more sociable to the actual race and not someones opinion of running over trees nd tread lightly as was pointed out with no tree saver... he was just pitching a fit because a non alaskan was handling his terrain better...


Mar 8, 2007
Show's alright I suppose, Seen the 1st 2 episodes. Kind of comical


Bronco Guru
Mar 10, 2004
What I think would be really interesting would be a documentary on behind the scenes.. I want to know is what the production crew and camera-men are driving. Seems to me that each truck has to have at least one chaser and they might send crews out ahead of the group so they can film them approaching the obstacles.
I have a feeling that since they don't need/want drama, whatever they are driving is designed to crush everything.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Well my issue with the stock-ish rigs, if any of us were out doing this, we would never be too far from help. They are supposedly blazing away through Alaska with no help in sight, I would not want a stock rig for that... even a race where your fellow travelers will not help you if you break down. My rig would be the best of what is necessary, proper sized axles, gears, tires for the drivetrain combo. Lockers etc and not ARB, mechanical, things that are inherently reliable etc. I would have a real roll cage or exo cage etc. These are not high dollar items in the jist of things, just well placed expenses. Spares, I would have at least a few spare axles and shafts etc. spare tire, bead lock wheels even a spare tube. They are supposed to be in the middle of no-where.... also, where are they getting their fuel? None of these rigs could travel 100 miles through off road obstacles and not burn at least 25 gallons of fuel... I do not see spare jerry cans etc. or I would have at least portrayed the reality of truth, each camp site the air drop supplies etc... They are focusing on the drama, most of it made up IMHO and not on the race wtc. I think any one of us would be a lot better prepared and more sociable to the actual race and not someones opinion of running over trees nd tread lightly as was pointed out with no tree saver... he was just pitching a fit because a non alaskan was handling his terrain better...

Well its like all the other reality shows so what can you do. I think its kind misrepresented as a race across alaska when its actually a race on eight trails in alaska not a all out race like a Baja 1000 or the likes. but whatever, Its entertainment.
But overall its Kinda common for a lot of long distance races. You dont see the guys running the Baja 1000 with all kinds of extras on there vehicle. Even when they do have spares they dont always change them until the next pit stop. Its a race not a trail ride. I really dont see the problem with stockish rigs so far they are not having anymore issues than the built rig. Anyone can pour lots of money into all the best upgrades and while they help if you cant drive they dont mean squat. Plus they still break. Sure we'd all want to have the best of everything but thats not the point. You run what you have. You break and cant fix it your out. Im sure if you want to stop and help someone your welcome to it. But its still a race. Drama sells and showing a base camp and extra gas and stuff doesnt.. Sure they could probably show it to let the audience know what its really like but they dont thats there choice. Id rather see them wheeling than gasing up anyhow.
Im sure we all have things we would like to see more than the drama but we are not in charge of the show.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2006
Central Washington
I am still waching this train wreck, its entertaining to say the least... What was pure entertainment was reading through the thread on Pirate 4X4. now that is entertainment. after reading the posts on that forum makes me thankful for the type of people we have on here, ive never seen that level of ignorance and internet bashing on this forum. ill try to post a link to the thread but there was some insight about the show from the Super Jeep Guy, and the one of the Rover1 Guys


Read at your own risk...could be hazardous to your IQ


Lick Creek Restorations
Jul 25, 2010
The last 2 episodes were better but I can't tell if its a race or a trail ride.. Sure its nice to help out when someone gets stuck but isn't that the point of a race, what you and your machine can do? For the remoteness of their location I would agree that I would have helped rather than abandoned like Super Jeep did last week, I would have pulled one and as soon as he was clear it would have been up to him to help the next and so on... but it is a race with prize money and SJ really put some distance between themselves and the rest by leaving them to their own means... I really like how the narrator keeps saying they are blazing a trail yet I have seen nothing but existing trails they have been on...

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
I am still waching this train wreck, its entertaining to say the least... What was pure entertainment was reading through the thread on Pirate 4X4. now that is entertainment. after reading the posts on that forum makes me thankful for the type of people we have on here, ive never seen that level of ignorance and internet bashing on this forum. ill try to post a link to the thread but there was some insight about the show from the Super Jeep Guy, and the one of the Rover1 Guys


Read at your own risk...could be hazardous to your IQ

Haven't been on P4X4 in quite some time cause the trash mouths.

Don't know if I can even remember my password?


Full Member
Jan 26, 2014
Benton LA
Super Jeeps owner Carl looks like he does some cool machine work. Dana 50 TTB gears in a HP44, TTB50 outers on a HP44, Dana 60 gears in a TTB 50 for a crazy jeep buggy http://vimeo.com/17056336 and Jeep JK Dana 44 gears in a LP44 amongst other stuff.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2006
Central Washington
Super Jeeps owner Carl looks like he does some cool machine work. Dana 50 TTB gears in a HP44, TTB50 outers on a HP44, Dana 60 gears in a TTB 50 for a crazy jeep buggy and Jeep JK Dana 44 gears in a LP44 amongst other stuff.

yeah on his profile on the Pirate forum it had a link to his shop in Washington pretty cool stuff. i wish i had that kind of money to dump into extreme rigs. i wish i had the money to buy a 30K rig then dump anthor 50K into it...

these Forums need a like button like facebook so you can like a comment or photo....but thats probably copyrighted by youngest billionaire ever...not hating just jealous


Mar 8, 2007
Still watching it here, hilarious what they think are big rocks compared to what we may think