I was disappointed and I don't like how it portrays off roading either.
I'll watch it again though I guess... kinda like watching a train wreck
I'll watch it again though I guess... kinda like watching a train wreck
They were a bunch of butt-monkeys except the SuperJeep guy. That Jeep used to run 47 LTBs and I have seen several pics on Pirate 4x4 where he is a true wheeler. I think they made him run smaller tires for the show.
A couple of the trucks run open diffs and even IFS... Gotta love the Mullets though!!
I didnt like how they were portraying the sport and have to agree somewhat with the Rover guy (nice rig) that running down trees was unnecessary. The narrator kept saying they were blazing trails when in actuality they were running on established mining trails.
They went the wrong route with this. They should have had a real offroader design the 'race'. Timed events are OK, but the rules of off roading should be adhered to- including helping out stranded fellow wheelers- could have given extra time for this stuff!
I will continue to watch, but it will be a short lived program.
It sucked, won't watch any more of it.
Minus "super jeep" those rigs all looked stock or what 4WPW could bolt on in an afternoon.
I was disappointed.