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Anyone with Painless wiring harness in 69 Bronco?


Jr. Member
May 23, 2013
Graniteville, CA
I am having nothing but problems trying to correct some wiring mistakes by P.O. on a Painless (modern version) Harness.

If someone here has a Painless harness I need info on the following:
FROM the turn signal switch harness in the column, there is a plastic 8-pin connector. Using the bump on the connector for reference, I need to know the colored wire - to pin locations on each side of the harness.
I have a new turn signal switch (from WH) with wire colors
Blue, Green, Green/Red, Yellow - Blue/White, Green/White, White/Blue, Orange

The colors going into the Painless Harness at the connector:
Blue/Yellow, Green/White, White/Blue, Green - Blue, Red/Black, Yellow/Black, Yellow

I had to switch two pins, and everything worked. I installed everything again then it started popping fuses in multiple locations on the fuse block.
I am ready to burn this thing to the ground and start fresh.

Any help, photos, diagrams would be appreciated.
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Bronco Guru
Jan 9, 2009
I've got a '68 with a newer painlees - so should be close enough .
According to the Painless manual\\
blue/yellow = horn relay
green/white = left front turn signal {hazzard}
white/blue = right front turn signal
green = right rear tail light
blue = turn flasher
red/black = brake switch {hazard}
yellow/black = left tail light
yellow = interior ground
The manual says there were three different configurations - doing with hazard switch relocation - i think . Also something about two yellow wires - not to get mixed up
WHs should have sent schematic with their switch to label what each of their wires supplies power to.
If possible download the manual - that was one of the great things about the Painless Harness - the manual/instructions are outstanding.


Full Member
May 5, 2013
Wardog I have a Painless on a 69 part #10108 and manual 90521 is the one that came with mine

Original ford colors Terminal

brake switch purple P
pass.turn/brake orange/blue N
driverturn/brake green/orange M
turn flasher blue L
RF turnsignal white/ blue K
LF turnsignal green/white J

horn relay yellow D
horns yellow blue E

My wires on the painless are different than yours. What manual # is yours?


Jr. Member
May 23, 2013
Graniteville, CA
Thanks to those that responded.
Wardog I have a Painless on a 69 part #10108 and manual 90521 is the one that came with mineMy wires on the painless are different than yours. What manual # is yours?
I didn't get a manual when I bought the rig. I am looking at the downloaded manual # 10113 ?

Perhaps in trying to make my question 'brief' I was not clear.
I do not have any of the original documentation as it did not come with the Bronco from the P.O.
I have the downloaded PAINLESS manual.

The P.O. has made so many wiring mistakes I can't even trust the battery cable.
The two horn wires are heavy gauge and cannot be mistaken for the standard 14 gauge light switches.
I do not need the wire colors according to the manual,
What I DO NEED are the colors coming from your column, with a WH turn signal switch, and how they mate to the PAINLESS connector.
James from WH has spent 1/2 hour with me and we discovered that the wire colors on the WH chart, vary from what colors are actually on the WH harness. The '66-'70 model has colors I don't have on my switch, I have colors that aren't on the '66-70 chart, and same colors are in different positions, the same with the '71- '73 chart.
SHX669: If you have a WH turn signal switch with my color wires, and your connector is easily accessible, could you please record the wire colors from your turn signal switch harness, and their location in the connector?
James at WH is working on the chart discrepancy and will be getting back to me.

I attached a diagram of how my connector is hooked up, but it aint workin'.
If I had hair, I'd be pulling it out.


  • Column to harness connector.jpg
    Column to harness connector.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 46


Full Member
May 5, 2013
Ok from what you told me and what is the on charts. I would unplug the yellow from the column connector. I think you have the yellow and blue white backwards. You could also check them with a meter to check which is positive and negative and plug the negative one to the yellow on the painless harness side.

if you look on the manual the yellow on the painless harness is interior ground pg 79 on manual.

Your previous owner probably ran those 2 heavy gauge wires inside to a push button horn or toggle switch to get the horn to work.

OR dont plug your horn and take it from there see if your turn signals work.


Jr. Member
May 23, 2013
Graniteville, CA
OK. WH got back to me (James) and he described the wire colors and where we think they should go. It did not fix the problem.
The 20 amp fuse still blows even when I do the following:
-unplug the flasher
-remove the horn wires from the connector

I burned up 9 fuses troubleshooting this. I need to go buy a bulk pack to continue.


Bronco Guru
Jan 12, 2012
I have the 66-73 turn signal switch and Painless EB harness. I spent a lot of time pinning the signal switch to the correspond harness wires. Here is what I came up with and my signals/horn/brake lights all work correctly.

On the left is the Painless harness, right is signal switch:
Green = Orange
White/Blue = White/Blue
Green/White = Green/White
Blue/White = Blue/White
Yellow = Yellow
Yellow/Black = Green/Red
Red/Black = Green
Blue = Blue

Pin out the column connector to match the above and you should be good (at least for turn signal switch wiring).

Good Luck!


New Member
Feb 10, 2011
Rapid City
I have the same painful harness. I had to wire my column up one wire at a time. Once i got the + wires i used a test light to see which wire went to each turn signal. Painless uses a the gm style circuit for the horn and a few other things. Just get a test light and save the fuses for when you are done.


Jr. Member
May 23, 2013
Graniteville, CA
Blue/White = Blue/White

Thank you for spending the time xcntrk.
Unfortunately that is how I have it wired currently. I do not have a blu/wht on the Painless, but Blu/Yel and all other pairs match.
I have a problem somewhere else.
When I had it all apart, I got everything to work. Then I buttoned it up, and added the volt meter. Somewhere something got grounded, or shorted.
I pulled the 5 amp fuse for the volt meter, but maybe it got grounded or is causing an issue with its ground.
I'll pull the volt meter out this weekend and see what's up.
Right before the fuse blows, I hear a vibration or clicking under the gauges. It happens immediately after turning on the hazards, and about two seconds before the fuse blows.
I understand electrical, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it.
I'm taking tomorrow off from the whole thing.
Thanks again.


Bronco Guru
Jan 9, 2009
You might want to read thru the entire Painless manual ; paying particular interest to ALL the dash wiring. Then trace some of it to see where it goes. Maybe the PO crossed some stuff over. Hard to believe - :)
The hardest part for me was talking myself into cutting all those neatly bound zip ties to separate things out of the harness.
Like "Matt b " said - figure out what each wire from your column bundle does. I've seen at least three different color schemes on the " column switch assembles" - guess it depends on who makes em or what color wire they have left over.%)
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Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Not that this is going to make you feel any better WARDOG, but I'm working on two friend's '73's with original turn signal switches (as far as anyone knows anyway) and have one of our new ones as well, and not one of them has the same wire colors in the same combinations!
Yes, most of the colors match at some point, but each one has some little variation. What a pain...

I'm not sure I heard you say this exactly, but I'm guessing that when you unplug the harness connector to the steering column, you don't blow any fuses? But when you plug it back in, you do?

The biggest change is that the earlier models did not use a horn relay, but the Painless (and all other aftermarket harnesses) do. Like the '74 and later EB's did.
But that's probably pretty well spelled out in the instructions I would think, so you're probably already dealing with that correctly.

Sorry to re-hash what you've already been discussing. Just trying to get my head around your problem to see if I can help any.

Good luck. Don't blame you for taking the day off. Pulled all my hair out years ago!
