I recently snagged a BC soft top from member – minus the “soft”. I called BC and ordered the canvas in white with clear windows.
I only drive between the last and the first salting, so I envision running the top without the sides basically all the time. I have exclusively been running a bikini top for the last few years and carry a trail cover when I get caught in a rainy scenario.
My Bronco is orange - see below
Question/thoughts/opinions –
What to do about the frame color. It is currently black.
1) Has anyone painted the frame of their BC top?
1a) If so, did you paint the frame to match the color of your Bronco or paint the frame white to mimic the original hardtop?
Pics if you did?
I only drive between the last and the first salting, so I envision running the top without the sides basically all the time. I have exclusively been running a bikini top for the last few years and carry a trail cover when I get caught in a rainy scenario.
My Bronco is orange - see below
Question/thoughts/opinions –
What to do about the frame color. It is currently black.
1) Has anyone painted the frame of their BC top?
1a) If so, did you paint the frame to match the color of your Bronco or paint the frame white to mimic the original hardtop?
Pics if you did?