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    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Driving your chassis.
      I remember a time of chaos, ruined dreams, this wasted land….
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Body swap to EB chassis.
      I think this one is just lifted, but I don't hate the idea of a 4x4 Pinto.
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread SOLD OE Power Steering.
      I'll take that - PM sent.
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Oil Sender Extension.
      Best of luck! The new sender I got from NAPA read too high. I purchased a Motorcraft branded one from RockAuto and it seems fine. Well...
    • Lawndart
      Hey - thanks!! News to me. I was trying to remember the location of that photo and nothing clicked. I was kayaking with the wife...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Oil Sender Extension.
      Certainly, I over did it :) Thanks for your help. Next time the extension is out, I will likely go that way - thanks. I wanted to go...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Oil Sender Extension.
      Clean-up and reassembly Cleaned the hole with swabs lightly covered in grease. Chased the treads with a 1/4-18 tap with light grease...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Oil Sender Extension.
      Extraction - round two With not much material left, I decided to make one last Hail Mary attempt at extraction. Went with the largest...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Oil Sender Extension.
      I was thinking about this as well. My plan was to eventually carefully vacuum it out with some vacuum hose and prime the engine. I see...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Oil Sender Extension.
      Thanks guys - a little bummed at the moment. So do you think I should get a couple larger square extractors or has extraction time...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Oil Sender Extension.
      Thanks everyone! Extraction - round one It did not go well. The only extractors I could find locally where spiral. I started small...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Oil Sender Extension.
      Thanks everyone! I had to work today, so no progress. There is an approx 3/16" hole in the extension and the piece still in the block...
    • Lawndart
      Well, seems to be "broken off flush" month for me. Just the other day...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Rear Axle Shaft.
      Reassembled today. Had a friend over to bounce ideas off of and help. The brakes were the main struggle. Done. Axles in - kinda set...
    • Lawndart
      Lawndart replied to the thread Broken Rear Axle Shaft.
      Round one - Earlier this week, I was able to drill about 3/4" deep at the center of the shaft with a 1/4" bit. As I started to step up...
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