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BCB Exhaust systems with BCB Headers


Bronco Guru
Sep 5, 2009
Is anyone running this setup on a 302? I am considering going with this system but would love to hear the sound as I was considering running the flow master system instead.

Depending on the sound of the magnaflow will determine if I just get the pipes from BCB or if i go with the pipes and muffler together.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


Bronco Guru
Feb 16, 2011
FWIW, I have a 351W with BC's ceramic shorty headers, BC's pre-bent exhaust tubes going into a 2-in-2-out MagnaFlow muffler. I got the biggest muffler I could order online from Advance Auto. All pipes are 2.50" on the muffler all pointed to back and downward. I like the sound a lot, but is a lil loud when I am heading to the deer stand. If you want quiet go to Walker mufflers. Good luck!