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Best, strongest, most simple steering linkage.


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
Best, strongest, most simple steering linkage was the question.

Not one word about cheap. ;D

Yep, thats true, lol... no argument there. My head is going to explode from all the options. Great to have all this info in one thread. subscribed. now i need to research heim tie rods...


Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2012
I think they call them

Or SRE's.

For some reasons the suspension snobs (lol) look at you funny if you say heims instead of SRE's.

For our eb's I like the Duff SRE kit. I believe it's the old Stone Crusher and Rock Crusher line of steering linkage.

I like that little saddle on the tie rod where the drag link attaches. It puts the pivot point perfectly in line/parallel with their track bar riser. That saddle cures that tie rod roll that occurs there that causes some of our classic eb vague steering.

I haven't pulled the trigger on this yet.

If I go SRE it will be Duff.

If I go conventional it will be the WH 3-way linkage kit.


Sr. Member
Jul 1, 2010
Parts mike or ruffstuff. I used Chevy 1 ton tre’s after planning on using heim joints. CA doesn’t allow heim joints and I didn’t want to get denied an insurance claim for using non street legal parts


Bronco Guru
Dec 26, 2004
Parts mike or ruffstuff. I used Chevy 1 ton tre’s after planning on using heim joints. CA doesn’t allow heim joints and I didn’t want to get denied an insurance claim for using non street legal parts

I would not worry about heims, every other non factory suspension and steering part and brake parts are illegal as well.


Jr. Member
May 30, 2011
Just curious, where is it documented that heim joint or SREs are not legal in Calif? I'd just like to read what it says.


Bronco Guru
Dec 26, 2004
Just curious, where is it documented that heim joint or SREs are not legal in Calif? I'd just like to read what it says.

N idea about heims actually being documented. But having several close friends that deal with dot inspections and cab and chassis modifications and limousine builds, any part that is not stock to that vehicle alters it from it's original design and is not legal.
To think an officer would overlook a 5.5 in lift 2in body lift long arms and long travel leaf springs with 37in tires, aftermarket headlights and mirrors and altered brakes woth non DOT lines and only write a ticket for heim joints is rediculous.


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2011
Not sure if they're legal or not around here, but living in a state that requires an annual safety inspection I use regular tie rod ends on my steering linkage to avoid any possible hassle. On older vehicles like these they are mostly just checking for non functioning, worn or out of spec parts, and that your lights, wipers, horn and e-brake all function.

Most likely the typical "technician"%) performing the inspection will just see a tire as a tire, a spring as a spring, a brake rotor as a brake rotor, a ball joint as a ball joint and a tie rod end as a tie rod end....but throw heim joints on the steering linkage and they might see it as scabbed on tractor parts!;D


Bronco Guru
Dec 26, 2004
Migs, in notice youre a vendor, so I hope you do not sell tractor quality non lined regular steel heims with grade 5 hardware. I have never met anyone who doesn't know or assume correctly that a high quality heim is superior to a tierod end, especially when in double sheer like they really should be. No worn or damaged tierod falling off the ball on the tappered stud.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2001
Tapped DOM tubing and pinch clamp with 1-ton TREs is how I would want to do it, if I were to do it over. It is the most simple and least prone to error of any of the systems, IMO.

If I were to do a locknut instead of the split tube and pinch clamp, I would prefer to have a small tack weld or safety wire to make sure the nut never came loose.

I've seen a heim steering setup and the bolt in the knuckle egged out the hole because the drag link went to the same bolt. The tapered hole for TREs help prevent that from happening. BCB seems to have solved that problem, but their heim seems to put a lot of torque on the knuckle.


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2011
I have never met anyone who doesn't know or assume correctly that a high quality heim is superior to a tierod end

Then come on up to NH and meet some of these so called "technicians" that perform our inspections.;D
I'm not saying heims are inferior, just that some of these inspection stations only know what standard car parts look like. present them something out of the ordinary and it might raise a red flag where they can question it and give you a hassle.
There's no standard of uniformity over here for inspection stations, anything from franchise chains and mom and pop mechanic shops, used car dealers, muffler places, autobody shops... and some of these places can also be real sticklers.

I did build my track bar with heim ends and would have no problem using them on my steering linkages from a mechanical stand point, just not worth the potential hassle it could create for me with the red tape bureaucrats.


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
I have the Extreme Custom Fab 1 ton steering kit. No welding required just ream the knuckles for the larger tie rod ends. Super easy install, only took about an hour..

I have their 1-ton steering on two of my Broncos.


Sr. Member
Dec 17, 2015
So, I did a lot of researching and decided on...... ready for this.......Driven 4x4 1 ton set up. The install is very easy. Just ream a few holes measure and install. It is the 1 ton gm with threaded DOM tubing. Not weld in Bungs. it was more expensive then doing myself but more convenient then doing it myself. It was about 250.00 more had I done it.

It is very heavy duty and he included the ream bit. It was 650.00 total which I found fair. and, i did not have to pay for shipping


Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2012
Gawd Damn it!

This thread started off good but there are so many more options than i thought and they are great options too.....i am not good with too many choices, lol. I am kind of a small, medium, or large kind of guy, lol.

This forum is so amazing I have so many more choices than I thought I should be happy but damn it I'm frustrated haha


Full Member
Feb 3, 2004
I am not sure why everyone refers to the GM tie rod end parts as "1 Ton" parts as I have never found any crossover to a 1 ton GM product. They do cross to 1/2 and 3/4 ton products. Here are the part numbers for the GM tie rod ends. For on road applications I think you should use a tie rod end not a spherical rod end for durability, safety and parts availability at any parts house.
Tie rod end for TRO conversion (GM 3/4 ton) ES2027L
Tie rod end for TRO conversion (GM 3/4 ton) ES2026R
Tie rod end for TRO conversion (GM 3/4 ton) ES2233L
Tie rod end for TRO conversion (GM 3/4 ton) ES2234R

Regards, Tony