Took the bronco on its longest drive since I've had it. Put around 100 miles on it driving through some nice back roads of NH to Salisbury State Park. It drove great and I'm very satisfied with how the suspension feels, my dog is much happier too.
We even camped out in the back of the truck, not the prettiest setup but we put the tailgate down added a tarp and it was plenty of space for 2 people and a dog. We looked a little out of place surrounded by big RV's but we got lots of people coming to ask about it.
The truck didn't come out completely unscathed though, the power steering box I put on over the winter sprung a leak where the pitman arm connects. Hoping I can just replace the seals on the bottom of the box and be good to go. I also got some new parts coming this week to get ready for its next trip!