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boy did i screw up big

76 explorer

Bronco Guru
Oct 21, 2002
oklahoma city
the other night the wife and i went over to a friends house to visit and kick back a few beverages. well we only live about a mile down the road and we forgot to bring soemthing over for another friend. well fromt he 1st day of having my first bronco the wife has always liked them but she couldnt drive the 1st one due to it being a standard. well the last bronco i got has an auto in it but there has been things that needed fixed (like steering and running issues) and since this is the only one ive fixed up she REALLY likes it. so i decided to be nice and let her drive it home to get a few things. (without me riding with her) well while my friends wife and mine were gone all teh guys were shaking their heads and saying how bad i screwed up and at first i just shrugged it off and said nah i trust her and she wont do anything to hurt it.(she knows how much it means to me) well in the 15 minutes they were gone my friends really made me paranoid with horror stories of things that have happened when they let their wives drive their trucks alone. needless to say when i heard my bronco coming down the road i jumped up and ran out to the driveway to meet them and look the bronco over. its amazing how paranoid someone can get over a damn truck :eek: well as she pulled up they had this big worried look on their face and made up soem story about backing into another truck. man did i panic. needless to say she didnt really hit anything they were all just screwing with my head. even to the point that they sat on our front porch for a while just wasting time trying to worry me. damn women lol.

ok this is getting long enough but now she wants to start driving the bronco to work... damn did i scrwe up or what? i guess its about time to get her her own darn bronco so she can leave mine alone


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2001
Leadville, Colorado
Ain't nobody happy if the wife ain't happy. Seriously, it is only metal, get her a safe and reliable EB and let her enjoy it. My wife rolled our Jeep twice in 6 months (snow covered roads)... First reaction was pissed, second reaction was to upgrade.

I literally cried when I got my first EB (wife gave it to me as a suprise 30th bday gift) and I would cry if something happened to it.



Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
We were all better off when we walked and carried clubs. A man was a man and a woman was XXXX I'd better keep my mouth shut for fear of being beaten by my girlfriend.

It'll be cheaper to convert yours to stick. Really start shopping you need another to keep peace in the house.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2001
My wife hates my bronco. But come to think of it she also hates lots of things about me. She hates riding in the bronco, she hates all the time I spend working on it, she hates the smell of it, she hates the time I spend on this bronco site, she hates my music, she hates when I play my electric guitar really loud, she hates my drum set, she hates the hair I leave in the sink when I trim my mustache, she hates it when I burp, she hates it when I fart in bed or in the shower, she hates it when I wear tank tops, she hates my goatee, she hates it when I watch professional sports on television, she hates my mother, oh man I could go on and on!

Sometimes it makes me wonder why she married me. Oh well, back to the bronco!

Mr Joe

Bronco Guru
Dec 2, 2003
As I was reading your story, I was really worried that the ending wasn't a good one...whew! My wife drove mine once. It was before the lift and before the complete brake overhaul! I had her truck and the Ram was out of order. She "had" to make a run for something "important" and I wasn't home. When she told me she'd used it, I fell into a panic because I knew the brakes didn't work correctly. She did ok only commenting how it seemed to pull to one side when stopping...No Dah!! it only had one set of shoes working!!

Anyhow, she hates my bronco and insists on wearing out the ram....


Bronco Guru
May 6, 2004
Los Angeles
I may have some mental stability issues...But

I've been divorced from my high school sweetheart over 12 years ago.

I bought my un-cut 66 2 months ago and had no safe place to keep it. So I storing it in her garage.

Since I can't afford to work on it yet (if ever), I figure I could at least visit when I see my kid and keep it out of this harsh California weather.

Now I only worry when she drives it in and out of the garage and asks why she can't get the floor shifter into the reverse, when it is a 3 on the tree...ARGGGG!

Thanks for listening


May 21, 2004
I , know what you mean.. I sold my 1st 76eb because it was a stick shift.. Got another 76 sport with a auto.. Now the wife drives the bronco as a every day mommy moble...

I guess i got to go out and get me a old rust bucket for a toy now %)

Gummi Bear

Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Originally posted by 72bronco
My wife hates my bronco. But come to think of it she also hates lots of things about me.
She hates riding in the bronco, she hates all the time I spend working on it, she hates the smell of it, she hates the time I spend on this bronco site, she hates my music, , she hates it when I burp, she hates it when I fart in bed or in the shower, she hates it when I watch professional sports on television, oh man I could go on and on!

Sometimes it makes me wonder why she married me. Oh well, back to the bronco!

I edited out the stuff that isn't applicable in my house. However, you and I are in the exact same boat.

The first time I let her drive it in 4 low, she was freakin hilarious. She said it felt funny, and didn't go very fast. (she did manage to drive through a bunch of weeds beside the trail, said it was hard to steer) even though I have the power steering.
76 explorer

76 explorer

Bronco Guru
Oct 21, 2002
oklahoma city
well.... i caught the wife doing something wierd today. she was looking in the paper for a eb:eek: as much as id love to have 2 at the house its gonna be hard splitting the costs between 2. as if one wasnt expensive enough to build lol. oh well at least she knows that mine is mine i guess i cant complain too much ;D yeah i know im a greedy sob...


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
I feel for you guys that your wives/gf don't like your beloved ebs If my other half told me I couldn't drive I do believe that we'd have a good fight!
Especially since we have 2 - he has no reason not to let me drive ANYTIME! (well, maybe the busted windshield but hey.....he's the one who told me I could drive in the race!)