Go to the auto parts store and buy a new lug stud for your Bronco. Take the wheel off, take the drum off, turn the axle so that there is an open space behind the stud (so it can come out without hitting anything), open a can of whoop ass on the old stud with a BFH until it pops out the back side. They really aren't in there too tight. They are splined and a press fit so that they don't spin when installing and removing the lug nuts. You shouldn't have any problem getting the old one out. <br><br>To go back in, loosely place the new stud into the hold from the back side. Find an old nut that loosley fits over the stud on the outside of the axle, slip the old nut over the stud and start the lug nut onto the stud. If you have an air impact gun, this is way easier. Just slowly tighten up the lug nut and it will suck the stud into the axle flange. If you dont have an air gun, have someone hold a bar between some of the other studs on the flange and tighten the lug nut until it sucks the stud into the flange. This way will take some muscle power, but it is easily done. Once the stud is pulled into the flange until the back side is flush, you are good to go. I hope this made sense. It is difficult to explain something like this without pictures.<br><br>I did this a zillion times when I was a tire monkey in a shop while going to college. No big deal.