Thanks everyone.
1973 BMW Colorado Orange is the color.
What got me headed down the orange route was watching some car show and this guy had an old 1939 Bantam Truck that was Bantam Orange and black. It just looked cool. I tried and tried to find Bantam orange, but it was near impossible. I found one color chip, with color code that nobody could match using the numbers. So finally I went down to the Sherwin-Williams auto paint store and poured through paint chips. Finally came on three colors that I liked, close to the Bantam color. Bought three few ounces of color samples and went home and did test shots. I used a single stage urathane. It actually looked a little different than what I ended up with. The painter used the numbers I gave him and bought the Colorado orange in a two stage. Seems that the higher gloss looks different, but still good enough. I'll post the pic of my test shot I did in a bit.