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Bronco Driver editorial upset me!


Sr. Member
Oct 16, 2004
I guess if the story had been about political or banking fraud or criminal activity it would be upsetting. A-1 top journalism--no, but part of the magazine is for entertainment ( I have a friend who insists professional wrestling is real) and such a story is entertainment. By far the magazine serves a niche that heretofore had not been served and I hope will be there for a long time. There are a lot of "empty and trivial" magazines out their (entertainment, people, etc.) that cover people and situations that I and probaby a majority of everyday folks could care less about. All I know when the big one comes, and a massive EMP wipes out all of the onboard computers on the late model cars, the Bronco will be chugging around ;D .


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
broncorick said:
All I know when the big one comes, and a massive EMP wipes out all of the onboard computers on the late model cars, the Bronco will be chugging around ;D .
aahhh, another reason to stick with a carb. ;)


Bronco Guru
Nov 14, 2001
Mark Troy said:
aahhh, another reason to stick with a carb. ;)

or a spare ECU - EMP only effects powered circuits ;)

However - the mechanical injected diesel guys will really be the ones on top. nearly zilch for electronics and they can run on veggie or waste oil (or brew their own bio and really be set.)


Bronco Guru
Nov 2, 2001
Some of this is beginning to sound like a Jim Gray, Pete Rose interview.

I really didn't enjoy the shot he took at the whole board either.


Bronco Guru
Dec 22, 2001
Austin, TX
Bronchole said:
I have bashed the mag in general in the past, but only because their distribution SUCKS! I doubt that is a responsibility of the editor. As for the copied artical, either they thought it was funny enough to take a bit of liberty with or more likely we didn't supply enough things for them to fill a mag up with that month. Either way I have no problem with the content of B.D. mag, just problems getting it. I will not subscribe to it because I don't see the point in paying for something that I will only get half of and only if I call/e-mail them several times to get it. I'll just content myself to get the CD's a year later.

Bronco Driver Magazine content = VERY GOOD

Bronco Driver Magazine distribution = BITES!


I have to agree. I have been a subscriber since day one. The last issue I received under normal circumstnaces in the mail was issue 8. 9 through 13 were mailed to me in bulk after never receiving them and I bitched to BD in an e-mail. 14 through 20 I have never received, although I have been assured they are mailing them in bulk again. So, yes....distribution sucks. Nothing like hearing about all the cool articles and pictures, then finally getting your mag 6 months later.

Orange Crush

Bronco Guru
Nov 7, 2004
bsaunder said:
Best move I can think of is to take BD's (and any other magazine for that matter) reader's response section as semi-truthful fiction and to enjoy the rest of the magazine for the articles and pictures in it (and forgive the nitch marketed magazine for the sometimes glaring spelling and grammatical errors).

If an article is published that has safety issues or just plain wrong; then spend some energy to get it corrected – but doing so on reader’s stories is a bit of wasted effort. Yes, it does take some “mystique” away from the mag as most EB owners are viewed as exceptionally honest from with-in the crowd and so the same was expected from the mag. In the world where bottom lines are all that count, sometimes a “literary license” needs to be taken to help a magazine stay a float and provide what it has promised to its readership (which may include taking Bronco stories and changing a few details so it applies to FJs).

I think everyone’s point was made/heard – so at this point I’d let sleeping dogs lay.

Well put bsaunder, especially the last sentence.

So, how about the latest issue? I think it's one of the best in a while!


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Can someone expand a bit on what Morris had to say? I let my subscription run out so I didn't get this issue to see. From what it sounds like from the above posts he tried to turn this around to make all of us a bunch of whining complainers rather than simply admit that they had done this and move forward.


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
SaddleUp said:
Can someone expand a bit on what Morris had to say? I let my subscription run out so I didn't get this issue to see. From what it sounds like from the above posts he tried to turn this around to make all of us a bunch of whining complainers rather than simply admit that they had done this and move forward.

No, nothing even resembling that. Morris explained his position with BD magazine and what he does to get articles and content together for that magazine..and ONLY that magazine. He clearly stated that HE was not responsible for the purloined and modifed article issue that caused the internet 'rants'.

He did not apologize for something he had no hand in (the FSJ content) and he did not slam his employer or apologize on their behalf either. His editorial focused on what HE does to put each issue together and what he needs from the Bronco community to continue to help him do it.

If anyone expects a three-page mea culpa..they need to keep pinging on those that ultimately own the content of all the magazines that they publish and do what they want to with..only they would know how and why the 'incident or incidents' even happened. Me, I don't care about it enough to even bother.

I do know one thing as absolute fact: Morris first found about the 'FSJ content question' via a phone call from your truly after seeing the subject come up on this forum. So people here knew about before he did..OK?

Question the ethcs or professionalism of the situation ..sure. But question those that had a hand in it.


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
BTW Saddleup..that was not directed at you personally. ;D ..you just posted something that punctuated the tone/content of previous posts.


Bronco Guru
Nov 8, 2005
Bozeman, MT
bmc69 said:
No, nothing even resembling that. Morris explained his position with BD magazine and what he does to get articles and content together for that magazine..and ONLY that magazine. He clearly stated that HE was not responsible for the purloined and modifed article issue that caused the internet 'rants'.

He did not apologize for something he had no hand in (the FSJ content) and he did not slam his employer or apologize on their behalf either. His editorial focused on what HE does to put each issue together and what he needs from the Bronco community to continue to help him do it.

If anyone expects a three-page mea culpa..they need to keep pinging on those that ultimately own the content of all the magazines that they publish and do what they want to with..only they would know how and why the 'incident or incidents' even happened. Me, I don't care about it enough to even bother.

I do know one thing as absolute fact: Morris first found about the 'FSJ content question' via a phone call from your truly after seeing the subject come up on this forum. So people here knew about before he did..OK?

Question the ethcs or professionalism of the situation ..sure. But question those that had a hand in it.

I just finished re-reading the article by Morris, and I will appologize for my previous post. He didn't call us all whiners and trash talkers. He didn't however really address the situation. He pointed out that he does a lot of work, which we are all greatful for. However, somone gave a BD article to another magazine.. How does this happen? Doesn't Morris want to get to the bottom of this? If I published something, and then found out someone was using my material in another publication, I would be pissed... I can believe you that he didn't know about it before hand, but it still seems like nothing has been addressed as to what happened there? I think the folks here just wanted an explanation, and we still haven't seen that to date... It wasn't really addressed in the editorial, just him describing how hard it is to put this magazine out, and it's behind schedule all the time, and if we want better, its the readers responsibility... seems like excuses why something could have happened, but no acknowledgement as to what happened??

By the way, I have never seen a thread here that accused Morris himself of doing anything bad or wrong, just wanting an explanation as to why these identical articles ended up in two different magazines with only make/model information changed...



Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
I was trying to be 'done' with this subject but you raised some valid points. Let me elaborate a bit more:

1. I knew that Mo had nothing to do with it..I know him too well. That's why I called him when I saw the fuss start. But I was surprised to find that hew was not event ware of it either..I know more now about the 'why' that happened.

2. I asked the owners for an explanation. I got the same response that another member here did - and posted for all to see. My motive for asking was perhaps differnt..I was trying to watch a buddy's backside.

3. A truthful explanation would be a good way to kill this whole thing (at least I would hope so). But I don't see how that explanation could be given by Mo unless he resigned his position first. And in making that statement I'm leaping to the conclusion that he now knows exactly what happened..but I do not know that he does.

I'm done. No more from me on this subject. Ever. I like tech better..somebody start a 408-Cleveland thread for me to play with. ;D


Bronco Guru
Nov 8, 2005
Bozeman, MT
bmc69 said:
I was trying to be 'done' with this subject but you raised some valid points. Let me elaborate a bit more:

1. I knew that Mo had nothing to do with it..I know him too well. That's why I called him when I saw the fuss start. But I was surprised to find that hew was not event ware of it either..I know more now about the 'why' that happened.

2. I asked the owners for an explanation. I got the same response that another member here did - and posted for all to see. My motive for asking was perhaps differnt..I was trying to watch a buddy's backside.

3. A truthful explanation would be a good way to kill this whole thing (at least I would hope so). But I don't see how that explanation could be given by Mo unless he resigned his position first. And in making that statement I'm leaping to the conclusion that he now knows exactly what happened..but I do not know that he does.

I'm done. No more from me on this subject. Ever. I like tech better..somebody start a 408-Cleveland thread for me to play with. ;D

I will respect your answer to this question, and be done with it all myself. I can appreciate that Mo might be in a compromising situation... like I have said, I have nothing against him, and have never trashed him... Thanks for your relating this to us, I know you are looking out for both sides (Mo and the Bronco Brothers), so thanks for taking the time to explain as much as you can...



Sr. Member
Jan 15, 2002
Dallas Area
personally, i was a bit pissed over the bronco/jeep article(s). actually, it really ticked me off.

that being said, i am a huge fan of the BD mag. i do look forward to it every month. if anyone wants my "thumbs up" of the magazine or of the job they do, they have it. i won't burn them down over the one instance of (in my view) poor judgement. i have every issue, and i have benefited from each and every one. keep 'em coming.


Full Member
Feb 28, 2006
Columbia, MO
I am not in the loop of what you are talking about but from your words it sound as if a hard worker is not being appreciated. I have not recieved an issue of BD but have probably not done the right thing to recieve one.

In any case I am a person who appreciates hard work especially if the cause is not self indulgent. I am a soldier in the U.S. Army and would deffinently put my hands out to help, and show appreciation for a fellow soldier. If Over there is "the great sand box" that you speak about. Keep up the much appreciated work.




Bronco Guru
Jun 20, 2001
My feelings...

Fuck it, Morris has done a great job of giving us an excellent mag to read. I've had an article in bd and I was thrilled. I hope to have many more articles submitted. I have emailed at length with John and I've enjoyed the the assistance and back and forth banter. I think everyone involved busts tail to put out a great mag. I'd rather had BD than a subscription that maybe has a bronco article once every blue moon.

I thank all involved in BD, and let's move past this, we are adults eh? What happened, happened. I hold BD blameless.
