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Cab measurements


Full Member
Mar 21, 2010
So I’m ripping out my floor.

3781C2B1-9AE2-4081-835D-648F4C02B0AD.jpeg 6CE05AB4-9F5A-41AD-B73F-7B50805DDBBD.jpeg E069FE8C-74A2-486B-9413-D2A6E9528853.jpeg
Took measurements, braced, etc. I’ve read up on various posts compiling different measurements and even printed out/framed the picture with the 4-5 different year groups and measurement differences. I’ve read about half that say follow these measurements to a “T” and others that say this was a Offroad rig and was never perfect from the factory (door gaps included).

The only measurement that seems to be the same across the board is the cowl to floor at 21.5 and mine isn’t. My door-windshield-hardtop gaps were all good before I started. Didn’t get a good measurement for the cowl-floor as it had 1/4 plate in place. Now that I have it off the cowl to brace is 20 and some change. My kick panels are Swiss cheese and the forward most body mounts in the engine bay are also junk.

My question is do I square up the cowl to floor measurement to 21.5 or keep what I have and run the floor at the distance I get with the thinner (correct) sheet metal?


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Wow, a bold project for sure.
So is that measurement maybe from a different part of the cowl? Doesn't seem likely, but I was wondering since yours is a good amount different from expected.
If you did move the cowl though, would that not mess with the top of the windshield and therefore the mating level of the hard top? Seems like if the hard top fits to the windshield perfectly now like you said then you really can't mess with that relationship.

Lower the floor rather than raise the cowl? Obviously I have no idea, but wanted to join in the conversation.
Frankly with Broncos being so inconsistent in so many other areas, I'd make that decision based on the top/door/windshield gap and move on. Unless you find that this relationship messes with something else.

You said the front mounts are toast and that could twist things askew, but what about the body mounts under the driver floor area? If they're in good shape and hold things in position accordingly it seems like fixing the front mounts would only help things up there and not mess with anything other than potentially that all important front fender-to-door gap.
Obviously just spitballing, but that's fun too. From this end at least!

Good luck.



Full Member
Mar 21, 2010
Snagged this from another post but the measurement was pulled here on both sides. Like you said measurements differ so much I guess I’ll just have to go with what works. I ripped out basically the entire floor but left all the cross bracing and they are good. But like you said maybe the forward most body mounts are throwing off the measurements. Regardless I plan to assemble (cleco/self tapping screws) in the order I removed and see where it puts me gap wise with the measurement not being at 21.5 and adjust from there. Both inner kick panels are rotted so maybe it crushed down a bit but as before even if that was the case the gaps from windshield/hardtop/pillars/rockers were spot on before pulling…