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Carburetor issue and ignition switch

Oct 20, 2009
Newbie here. Not only new to the forum but also to tinkering with cars.

Talked my wife into purchasing our first EB bronco last summer. Since I have been obsessed with them since I was 16 it has been a long time coming (not as long as my father in law's dream of owning a corvette that was recently realized... 38 years). I probably over paid for it based on the fact that the body is completely rusted out, but mechanically it was pretty sound. Until last weekend.

We took it our for spin to enjoy it and kaput. The carb wasn't getting any gas. I don't think it is the fuel pump because when I disconnect the fuel line from the carb it spurts gas all over the place. I think the nozzle that sprays fuel into the carb is clogged (probably not the technical term). HOw would I clean this or do I need to purchase a new one?

In trouble shooting this issue, I developed a secondary issue. When trying to turn over the engine, I held the ignition switch down for a while while pumping the gas. I then turned the key to the off position and took it out, however it kept trying to start as though I had the key in and turned all the way to the right! Something was stuck for about 45 seconds or so. Do I need to replace the ignition switch or can I just lube something so that it doesn't stick again. If so what do I use.

Big fan of the forum. I can't believe the knowledge on here nor can I believe the modifications you are all able to pull off. Very impressive. Here's to learning!!


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I would try changing the fuel filter on the front of the carb first. See if that solves the issue if not then you probably need to rebuild the carb its very easy only takes a couple of hours and only costs maybe $30.
As for the ignition switch I'd jst in stall a new switch as it sounds like the old one is worn and sticking theres really not way to clean them out. A new switch is not all that expensive maybe $20 at most probably cheaper.


Bronco Guru
Sep 26, 2009
X2 on the carb rebuild. It probably has trash in the needle and seat. The starting problem sounds like the starter solenoid to me. I have had several stick on my 70 Mustang. The ones you buy these days are cheap junk. It is easy to replace just keep track of what wires go where when you take them off.

Welcome to the site.

vintage bronco

Sr. Member
Feb 8, 2010
Welcome to the site. install new ignition switch then rebuild carb and install new fuel filter and by the way fill in your location in your profile that way if someone is close they may be able to lend a hand. good luck.


Full Member
May 2, 2005
Las Cruces
On the starting issue, I would replace the solenoid first. Cheaper, easier and more likely the culprit, IMHO and experience.

Welcome - your wrenches will never get dusty from this point on!
Oct 20, 2009
So I am finally getting around to the carb rebuild, first time doing this and I am having a good time with it. I've got it completely disassembled at this point and now I need to clean it. I purchased a spray can of carb cleaner but it seems as though I should be soaking it instead. Is this the case? and if so, what is the solvent that I should be using to soak the carb in?


Full Member
Dec 22, 2006
Abita Springs, LA
You can buy carb cleaner by the gallon. I get mine from NAPA and it works great. I usually save the butter tubs to soak small parts, but you'll need a tub to soak the body. A small brush, minimal effort and it will be shiny and clean. Good luck.
Oct 20, 2009
So I finished the carb rebuild and fired up the engine, it got going great. Was pretty excited. It idled fine but I went to take it around the block, as I started to accelerate and shift from first to second it kicked out again. I tried playing with the mixture screws on the front of the carb but to be honest, I don't really know what does what.

My question: how do I adjust the carb properly?

What I have done: carb rebuild, replaced fuel filter, put HEET in the gas tank in case I had condensation

What I am working with: 302, 4 bbl edelbrock carb, 3 on the tree.



Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
What do you mean by kicked out?
As for setting the mixture screws its fairly easy just turn until the engine stumbles or slightly misses then turn the other way until it misses then set in between those to points to where it idles smoothly you may have to adjust both sides a couple of times to get it all set like you want it. All that those 2 screw control is the idle mixture. After that fine tuning gets a little more in depth.