Bronchole said:
How many people were in the drawing? just so I know how lucky I was. I'd hate to think that I was the only one in the drawing because I was the only one that followed the directioins and posted "gimme gimme gimme or something similar"
I was pretty much in shock, this was the first thread I looked at this morning and the first thing I read was "Congrats Bronchole!!!!!!". My jaw literraly dropped! I thought it was a joke at first.
Thanks so much T.O.F.I.C., I'll send you my info in a few minutes.
Well, congratulations and put up time!!! I expect to see a piece of artwork for an article with pictures that could be hung in the Louvre (right!! And Chuck is moving to Hawaii )
There was approximately 206 entries if my counting is too far out, so no you were not the only one looking for this goodie.
Yes, got your note, will start sending the goodies soon, I will start with the bracket as it is the biggest piece.
Did you want the master cylinder?? It looks good but you know us old farts cant see past a Lars avatar!! (yea Lars lets see it again!!))