Used to ride in the back of my dad's F-100 to camp and back (~100 miles each way) had an aluminum cap on it. Maybe a 6" thick pad to sit on, that was it. This was 'back in the day' 1960's to early '70s. Don't think that is LEGAL today???
Anyway, my concern would be: THE OTHER GUY driving and TEXTING or whatever other distraction there is now days that wasn't there in the 60's. Maybe vehicles weren't made as 'safe' back then (no airbags, crumple zones, etc) but there were alot less distractions when driving.
I didn't baby either of my kids, but was always concerned for their safety (and wife too) - they all know how to drive and are good at it. But I always tell them to be aware of that OTHER GUY!!!!!
Anyway, my concern would be: THE OTHER GUY driving and TEXTING or whatever other distraction there is now days that wasn't there in the 60's. Maybe vehicles weren't made as 'safe' back then (no airbags, crumple zones, etc) but there were alot less distractions when driving.
I didn't baby either of my kids, but was always concerned for their safety (and wife too) - they all know how to drive and are good at it. But I always tell them to be aware of that OTHER GUY!!!!!