Honestly, worst case scenario is that you wished you sent it in sooner or it rules out that being the problem.
Either way you figure it out.
Doesn't mean you'll be happy with the result, but should get to the bottom of it.
Another though if they come back OK, is to hook them up to another ecu and see if OK. Wonder if EFI guy could help you with that if the units come back OK.
Well, good news today. After exhanging a week's worth of emails with DD tech support i finally got frustrated and spent another $125 on amazon to have a new BIM-01-02 shipped to me overnight. Yeah, it's the curse of the Amazon prime button..
Well, it paid off. I received a newer build this time and my error '8' hasn't popped up yet. I'm going to drive it around a bit, but i'm cautiously optimistic I simply had a bad BIM module.
DD support (TJ) has been very responsive, but just had me doing more tests and exchanging calls/emails. I had pretty much narrowed it down to either the BIM or control module..
We'll see if I get refunded for the 2nd BIM. But glad to have the problem resolved for now!
I attached pictures of the BIM modules. The one with the QR code is the newer build.. but had the same v2.2 firmware on them.