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Dana 20 Cluster gear removal/replace


Bronco Guru
Jan 9, 2009
Seems I remember that I can't replace the cluster gear without totally removing the TC and tearing into it. I'm going to remove the rear output housing assembly and thought while I was at it replace the cluster gear if possible .
So is it possible with the right technique or do those 50 loose bearings make it impossible ? -- And no -- I don't want to "drop" the TC


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
Back when I had a Dana 20, it would chew up thrust washers on a regular basis. Low range and 5-6K rpm probaby had something to do with it... anyway, I was able to get the cluster gear out with the T case still in the vehicle so I could swap out washer. The hard part is getting the shaft out. Not much room in front to swing a hammer to push the shaft. Ended up using a crow bar and different sockets to pry/lever it out (hope that makes sense).
Good luck and use vasolene on all those little roller bearings when you put it back together...

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
Having just finished reassembling my transfer case, I think you would have one hell of time getting it back in while in the vehicle.


Mar 2, 2013
I just did mine a couple nights ago. I had the t case on the bench though. I think you could do it, however it might not be very fun. The hardest part to me was getting those bearings and spacers to stick to the dowel I was using long enough to get it in the gear. I put vaseline in the freezer over night and it made it go a lot easier. Once that was in place I glued the thrust washers to the case with the frozen vaseline. I used another piece of dowel in the front hole pushed in flush with the thrust washer to hold it in place. I used the shaft on the back side the same way, just far enough in to hold the thrust washer. I got the gear in place and drove the pin in. It was easier than I thought it would be. Worse case is you get tired of messing with it and drop the t case to finish.

Good luck!