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Dana 44 Wheel Hub Height/Wilwood Brake Conversion


May 5, 2015
Questions for y'all, working on a Wilwood disc brake conversion and found that one of my Hubs were shot because bearing sleeve fell out, purchased a good used one from a vendor and notice when placed flat the hub surface is about an 1/8 different from the originals that came of the 72 dana 44. Anyone know if there is a problem running two different hub heights? Or do I have the wrong one, year? I found they don't make these anymore and all we have is used parts to work with, any help will be great. I'll send a pic of what I'm talking about.


Huge chevy guy
Jun 24, 2001
Hawthorne ca
I'm trying to thing of how the hub would make a difference in heught unless the bearing isn't seated all the way. Otherwise I would thing the ball joints or c's might vary in height.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Hey Broncostang, welcome!

I think he means it's higher when both are placed on a flat surface Steve.
That correct Broncostang?

...purchased a good used one from a vendor and notice when placed flat the hub surface is about an 1/8 different from the originals that came of the 72 dana 44.

When you say "flat hub surface" though, do you mean the outermost end where the locking hub slides in and seals? Or are you speaking of the wheel flange area, where the wheel studs poke through?

Anyone know if there is a problem running two different hub heights?

Might not be a big deal, but it really depends on where the difference is. If you're running disc or drum brakes, the friction surfaces might not line up correctly if the wrong part is off by even a small amount.
But some surfaces won't make a bit of difference.

Or do I have the wrong one, year? I found they don't make these anymore and all we have is used parts to work with, any help will be great.

Wrong vehicle more likely I would think. Year by year I "thought" they were the same for the disc brakes, and maybe two different ones for drums changed maybe somewhere in '69-ish maybe?

I'll send a pic of what I'm talking about.

There ya go. What I was going to suggest anyway.
You can put them in your "garage" or you're welcome to PM me and get my e-mail to send them.
Or just e-mail me at paulb@wildhorses4x4.com and I'll get them to my personal address as well.

Good luck.



May 5, 2015
Yes its the height when both hubs are off the vehicle and on a flat surface. One would push the wheel out further than the other one. Could’nt get my picture to upload to show you with the tape measure by it. I found out that Dana 44 hubs with drums had two different hubs. One that was cast iron and one that was steel, they are the same other than the steel one is 1/8”-3/16” taller. Not sure when ford decided to make the change..I guess it depends on the vehicle.
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Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
You can't upload to the forum directly from your device unless you become a contributor for 12 bucks a year. That's why I mentioned either e-mailing it to me or using your "garage" feature in the User CP (command post) for a few pics.
It's well worth the expense to most of us to be able to post directly into a thread, but nobody expects someone to throw in immediately after joining.
But it's appreciated anyway!

Send a couple to my address above if you feel like it then, but I think we get the picture now too. Pretty clear it's the wrong hub, but in a pinch, if it was mine and the bearing spacing works with the spindle, I would use it temporarily until I could get another one.
Unless you can return it to the vendor you bought it from that is.
Of course, it might not be their fault either, as the other hub on your vehicle may actually have been swapped in at some point and the new one is correct after all!
You never know with these things after so many years and previous owners.

Oops, I just re-read and realized you're talking about a Wilwood setup. With that you may not be able to use the hub that's not set up exactly for the brake caliper spacing.
Have you tried it already and found that to be the case with one of them? Or did you stop as soon as you found the issue?

I would certainly test fit each one to make sure that at least one of them is the correct hub for the Wilwood brackets.

And now we really want to see pics! Wilwood is cool stuff. Been putting it off myself because all of my brake stuff is in good shape. But wanting more and more to just do it.
After all, it's not like I drive mine 15k a year like I used to. Back then I could keep stuff until I wore it out and not wait that long! Now, not so much...%):(

Good luck.



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
And while we're on the subject of bearings and spindles and such, I assume you have the proper hub-nut, or bearing adjusting nut socket? Pretty critical to proper adjustment.

And to that, are you familiar with the correct "by the book" adjusting procedure? It's very specific to a Dana 4wd axle and should be followed. Not just a tighten it until it's tight and back off slightly kind of thing.
And definitely no preload of the bearing allowed. It's about achieving a free-play of .001" to .010" in the end.

Sorry if you knew that already. Just making sure since it's an odd setup and not sure if you've had to deal with it before.



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
And here they are, in person and living color!
And a little late...

image1 (Large).jpg
image2 (Large).jpg



Bronco Guru
Aug 11, 2014
Are you sure the hub is a Ford hub?
IH and Jeep both used the 5 on 5.5 bolt pattern for many years, both used the Dana 44 and did offer disc brakes.


Bronco Guru
Dec 26, 2004
I ran into a similar issue. I have a "drum d44" with 6 bolt spindles. I bought new spindles and hubs for the Chevy conversion. Then the wilwood set ups came out so i bought the kit for a 6 bolt drum d44. Found out the Chevy hub and spindle spaces out everything and the rotor is not centered. Had to sell my new stuff and buy new drum brake spindles and found good used hubs off a drum brake d30 and the rotor was then centered. My off center issue was more than yours though and unfortunately I don't remember how much was caused by the spindle and how much was caused by the hubs.