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Do you do your own work?



Grease Monkey
Jun 11, 2007
Ridgefield WA
Excuse me Sir, but who the hell are you to judge who should be a member here?

I’m paying a guy $35/hr to do my tub because, well, I suck at body work, he’s very good at it and his fee is SO reasonable that I have no doubt that i would not lose money if I were to ever sell it. Hope that’s OK. FWIW I do my own mechanical work.

So can I stay? Pleeease?? :p


Four pages, and this is the first complaint??:?

I just get annoyed when an owner asks a question, so he can give his builder the answer.
That builder shouldn't need our advice. He should be the guru of gurus.
After all, he's charging for his services.
But if he doesn't know, then why isn't the builder asking us for advice rather than the owner who's paying him?

There's a definite divide going on here. Some of us have owned our Broncos for a long time. I know I couldn't possibly afford to be in this group if had to buy into it now.

Just so you know...
I still throw hay bales and fire wood into my Bronco.;)
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Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
I can't paint anything, no facilities. Same for bead blasting.

I can't do welding, no equipment, although I am pretty good at dropping dimes.

I can't line bore a block, so that goes out to my guy.

So I can do anything my box of tools let me.

And I can wire.,

For everything, there is American Express.


Sr. Member
Feb 3, 2013
It comes down to the fact that people can call 1-800-build-me-a-hotrod for years now. So now that Broncos are on the radar everybody is calling 1-800-build-me-a-Bronco. Everybody opens their wallets for trendy! Broncos are trendy now. I did like my parents have done for years, I found a rust free basket case and put it all together and painted it in my garage too. If the body is rust free and pretty much straight even a bad paint job will look ok when the body has no rust. Look at my garage pics. I can do all work myself except transmission and transfercase.


Sr. Member
Aug 14, 2018
I am a middle of the roader. I can do a lot of the work, I have done a lot of work. but some stuff I don't want to do. I am not building this bronco because I need it. I am building it because I like building cars. I am doing it because I enjoy it. if there is something that needs done that I don't enjoy, I don't do it. I have built several engines over the years for my mustangs. I just built a supercharged 331 stroker for my 89 convertible a couple years ago. I rebuilt the aod for it as well. I built the 5.0 I put in my daughters 67 and the aod in it also. I have built engines for my jeep, and my 65 mustang. for my bronco I found a crate engine that was exactly what I wanted for cheaper than I could build it so I bought it. I have all the tools I need to do what ever I want to do to my bronco but some of it I don't have the skills to do the job I want like paint and body work. some day maybe I will take a class and learn how, on this build I rebuilt the dana 44 myself (first time setting up an axle) and I rebuilt the dana 20 first time for that as well. But this is a hobby for me. bottom line if there is a job to do and I don't want to do it for whatever reason, I don't. I have a good job and can afford to pay someone else. I don't do the work because I have to, I do it because I want to.


Squirrel Watcher
Sep 15, 2016

Four pages, and this is the first complaint??:?

There's a definite divide going on here. Some of us have owned our Broncos for a long time. I know I couldn't possibly afford to be in this group if had to buy into it now.

Just so you know...
I still throw hay bales and fire wood into my Bronco.;)

If there is in fact a divide going on here, it is created/increased by comments like yours and not by people asking for help.

I wish for you and every other member on here nothing more than many years of enjoyment with their EB and be forever blessed with the strength to throw hay bales and chop wood ;D;) Take care, sorry I was a bit rude -jeff


Bronco Guru
Mar 10, 2004
Love "wrenching" during the winter and "driving" in the summer. More than willing to pay someone for a fast turnaround in the summer.


Bronco Guru
Sep 26, 2009
I do all my own work because I can and I enjoy it. It's not what I do for a living anymore but I still enjoy getting my hands dirty and doing the work myself gives me more pride in the final product.;)


Mar 8, 2007
Most of the little things for sure. Def as much as possible w/out having to go pay someone

I thought about putting this question on a forum poll, but the results on those poles don't always appear honest.
I've noticed something, as these vehicles have increased in value. There seem to be more owners farming out the work. Maybe it's just me, but there just seem to be a lot of owners on threads referring to the guy doing the work.
Now, I don't feel critical by saying that you need some basic mechanical knowledge and skill to drive one of these vehicles.
I understand that some owners have physical handicaps, but if you haven't the time, space or aptitude, what are you doing here?


Full Member
Sep 20, 2009
I have done everything to mine so far. Having said that, no body work, no engine work has been done. I have a mechanic friend i would help with engine work, body work (anything major) would go to the body shop.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2012
This thread is interesting. Last month I dropped off the bumpers and roll bar I built at the powder coater. I believe this will be the first time I’ve hired something done for the Bronco. I’ve had it for almost 22 years and it is now on its second frame, third engine and third body. Eventually I plan to take it to an exhaust shop in my old hometown for headers back, but that is only because he has the equipment to do a much better job than I can. When I got my Bronco, I couldn’t even think about paying someone else to work on it. The C4 was slipping by the time I got it home, so I rebuilt it the next week. It was my daily driver for several years, and it sat in storage for several years. Now, it’s getting a complete redo. Yep, it is taking me longer than I’d like, but that’s ok. I enjoy doing it now, even if I could afford to hire things done I’d rather do it myself if I can. As someone mentioned earlier, it is good therapy. My career now involves working with people all day. It’s so nice to relax on the weekend and work with my hands on something that doesn’t talk. My biggest challenge so far has been the AFI EFI conversion. I don’t have a problem with someone hiring done what they can’t or don’t want to do, but I get Blu’s point a little. The spirit of the Bronco seems to be independence, self reliance, simplicity, creativity, fun, and uniqueness. While some of these rigs that cost more than my house definitely look fantastic, the people that shell out that kind of money for something to show don’t seem to be the same audience Ford was targeting back when they were first built. I don’t have any issue with it other than it is driving the price up to the point that those who can’t afford to hire the work done can’t afford to buy one anyway. That is unfortunate.


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2005
Stephenville TEXAS
.. Well I guess I'm lucky than most. At 70 now my problem is if I get on the ground it takes a wench to get me off the ground.
SO YES I'm going to say I do most of my work on my Bronco. But I just had a young man come install the DIESEL INJECTION PUMP INTO or ONTO my 4BT Cummins .. I did pack my front wheel bearings the last time I did them. I'm not worth a crap at wiring . But I can run a wire to the battery & one to ground & the other to the light bulb. YES I DO KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO & I think I know what I don't need to do.
so I work on most of my stuff myself but just not everything .