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Dodged a major bullet! I'm so dumb!


Bronco Guru
Jun 6, 2009
Today is the first day of the Lonestar Rally in Austin (4/13-4/15, mostly pre-70's cars) and S. Congress was gonna be off the chain (it was).

I wanted to get a few things addressed before I cruised it w/ the wife tonight- last of which was the one loose rocker that was tic-tic-ticking. I wrapped up, buttoned up, cleaned up, and put the tools away. I get in to go spray the truck off @ the car wash, and I hear a dreadful sound as I start her up... It's at that moment that I realize I've left the 1/2" socket wrench on the crank bolt!

I run the mustang serpentine, and with the flex fan & my PS cooler, there's not a spare 1" between anything. Fortunately, the ratchet spun right off, and only bent the bottom cooling fins of the PS cooler... I can't imagine the carnage if I'd had the action set the opposite direction on that wrench. I would likely be high & dry for sure!


As for the Lonestar rally, there were hundreds of customs, mostly 30's/40's/50's, but quite a few 60's & 70's too. I was the only Bronco I spotted.


Sr. Member
Dec 23, 2011
Lucky for sure. Sounds like a good time though. Glad it worked out.

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
I do hate them blonde moments;)as I've gotten older they seem to show up more often:(


Early Bronco Student
Jun 18, 2001
I had one of those moments... Used a ratchet strap to hold battery for quick test ride... Forgot to tie off the excess strap and it wound around the face then bent said can in radiator almost cut it in half. Had to call AAA to get it back home.