Been done countless times. And there are so many different ways of doing it.
My preferred method, which is different than a lot of others...
Each tank gets a high pressure pump. Most pumps have a built in check valve, this keeps the fuel system primed for faster starts. So all you have to do is tie both pump outputs together, feed that into the filter and to the fuel injection. Which pump is on is what tank you are pulling from.
Return has a couple options. The simple is all to the main tank and the fuel system is a transfer pump via the return line. What I do is slightly more complex, but not really. The simple solenoid fuel tank selector. The basic low pressure carburated version. Plumb that backwards. Single in (instead of out) feeds a selected out (instead of in) to the tanks. Wire it so unpowered is main tank, powered is aux tank, and the power comes from the aux tank fuel pump power. So when the aux tank pump is powered, so is the selector solenoid and the return is divereted to the aux tank. Even simplier than the 6-port valve.
The fuel pump selector is based on the standard 5-pin auto relay that is energized by the other poll on the fuel tank selector valve (DPDT switch). Seamless in operation and as idiot proof as you can get on a 2-tank setup. With redundancy options if you ever have issues on the road/trail.