Keep reading , researching and asking questions.
The FFI site that was linked to earlier is a tremendous asset. Dig around there for about a month , you will be amazed at what you can find in some of the links.
When you feel comfortable enough to move ahead and start buying parts , then you are ready.
DO NOT GO OFF HALF COCKED , you will end up buying and rebuying and wasteing too much time and money. Get your game plan together and stick to it.
By the way , in reply to a much earlier post , putting the mustang style EFI on a 351 really isn't all that difficult , fairly simple actually , however , it is usually best to install an unknown EFI (new to you) on a known good motor (one that you are running right now and is running well) THEN later you can do a motor swap after you are familiar with the EFI.
I can't imagine the headaches that could arise if you can't get a new (unknown) motor with an untested EFI conversion to fire up like it is suppossed to.
Last thing , feel free to ask questions here , even if you know they have been asked a hundered times before. This place is not like the other flame happy forums out there.