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Finally Got Around to Joining MEB

Orange Crush

Bronco Guru
Nov 7, 2004
This morning I finally took the time to fill out the online app and joined MEB. I have been meaning to join at a local event over the past couple of years but have not made it out to any events for some reason (usually work realated). I plan to get very involved this year, being the 40th Anniversary and all. I have no trail rig but from what I hear there is plenty of fun for everyone at the events. I do have a second rig now that will be capable of the moderate trail rides soon hopefully. Looking forward to meeting other members out there!


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004

Welcome aboard OC.
I think you will enjoy the MEB crew. The neat thing offered by MEB is numerous eb related outings in addition to the traditional trail events. Ex: they just had a fall street cruise a couple weeks ago, toured some civil war battlefields, shops, dinner etc... Rafting at the end of the summer etc... '06 will be a very busy for all eb groups with the 40th coming up. Look forward to meeting you @ Carlisle!
Karl Bradley
MEB charter member

Mr Joe

Bronco Guru
Dec 2, 2003
Welcome to the club!! ;D

I've been very surprised at how well organized the events have been. I've had a blast at the few events I've been to. It's a great group of folks.


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2002
St George Island, MD
Hey OC
Welcome to the club.
You will love it.
My bronco has been off the road now since I joined the group.
I DID drive it at one time daily.......... %)
But even without a rig, we have had a ball at every event we have been to.
Great bunch of people and we always have fun.
I am just over the river, if you need a hand.
I got a couple of parts around if you are in need of something.
MEB is a great source for parts as well.
I plan to be starting my build this winter to get it running for the 40th.
Feel free to email or call
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