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Florida Broncopalooza 2009 !!!!


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
Guys I have good news. I might just get my rig running for the event!! I started at midnight last night, after work, and worked on it until 2pm today. I got the exhaust hung under it, 3 of the 5 gauges holes cut into the dash panel, got all the switches mounted, ran the speedo cable, mounted the alternator, put in the radiator and hoses, bench bled the master cylinder and changed out the fittings. I have the electric fan ready to mount and the master cylinder is ready to bolt on and plumb, then I can bleed the brakes. My carb is being rebuilt as we speak by a friend. Once I get the carb back and the throttle linkage and tie up all the wiring I should be ready to start it up. God only knows what kind of problems I'll run into once we get to that point but it'll still be nice to hear it run.

Plus while at the u pull it yard I picked up a set of Nitto Terra Grapler tires. 33x12.50x15 for $40.00. Not $40 each, but $40 for the set. Just couldn't walk away from them.......


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
I'm going out to my back yard to practice pooping....

Take the dog with you so you have someone to blame it on. Either that or lay one in the cats litter box. I always wanted to do that.


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
sounds like you're getting there Mark! I wouldn't be able to fight an intervention now would I Bax, but really, I don't think it will come to that. It will really depend on how the wife feels and how/when her interview goes/is.


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
sounds like you're getting there Mark! I wouldn't be able to fight an intervention now would I Bax, but really, I don't think it will come to that. It will really depend on how the wife feels and how/when her interview goes/is.

I suppose if you were taken against your will and forced to wheel with a bunch of "Characters" that would be beyond your control and there fore no wrath could fall upon you. Where do you want to be abducted at?


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
We should "abduct" him just after he has loaded his rig on the trailer. That way someone could "steal" his truck and trailer and he could have something to drive at the event.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
Holopawlooza 2009 official agenda

Ok everyone we have finalized the agenda for the event weekend. We are going to try and follow this agenda as closely as possible. We understand that things will happen during the event and cause the agenda to change but we are going to try to adhere to this the best we can.


6:30am- we will have someone stationed at the gas station to greet everyone as they arrive. As soon as you have signed in and are finished with any last minute fueling and shopping we will send you onto the camp ground. Once at the camp ground you will be met at the gate and instructed as to where to park(if you have a trailer).

9:30am- is the cut off time for arrival at the gas station. After that time there will be no one there to greet you. We WILL provide phone numbers for you guys to call if you have issues enroute to the event and are going to be late. It is important that you schedule to travels to be there by 9:30 because the event site is under lock and key and someone will have to break away from the event to come let you in.

10:00am- group picture At this moment we have not solidified the location for the picture due to the large number of rigs/people we are expecting.

11:00am- trail rides begin We have set up that we are going to have 3 different levels of trail rides.
1. will be a basic trail ride for those that don't want to get their rigs all nasty. Very easy going ride with little to no mud and not much stress for your rig.
2. will be a medium ride with some trail riding and ditch crossings and light mud holes.
3. will be a hard core ride with a little of everything. Lots of mud and difficult crossings, you will get stuck and dirty and you might even get some breakage so be prepared.

2:00pm- lunch break We are going to try and find a large open area to have a group lunch. It will most likely be the same area where we have the picture.

3:30pm- start the afternoon session of the event. With the group lunch it will allow for you to join in with a different group if you want to step it up a little or back it off a little.

6:30-7:00pm- Meet back at the camp site for dinner. As we have previously mentioned we will be providing grills and a smoker for you to use to prepare your food if needed. We will be building a nice big fire and there will be plenty of adult beverages.

10:00pm- night ride We have planned to have a night ride for the event. This is going to be REALLY cool!!!! It will be optional, of course, you are more than welcome to just hang around camp and socialize of you wish.


9:00am- get up and eat some breakfast

10:00am- hit the trails again. Same configuration as Sat. with the different difficulty levels.

You will be welcome to stay as long as you want. We know everyone will be needing to head home at different time during the day and we will do our best to accomidate this as you will be locked IN as well and someone will have to go and let you out.

If you have any suggestions for the event please feel free to mention them.

We cannot stress to you enough how important it is for you guys to arrive on time Sat. We will have someone at the gas station to greet you from 6:30am-9:30am. The time will be changing that weekend so it will be getting dark earlier and we want to have as much time as possible on the trails. We have several people coming in on Friday night so that is an option if you wish to do so as well. So please use the information we have already provided to figure out how long it will take you to get to the event and give yourself some extra time. We have people coming in from as far south as Naples and as far north as Tallahassee. From Tampa to the west and the Daytona area to the east. We understand mechanical issues but we don't want to have to go back to the gate 10 times. The earlier you get to the event the longer you will have to set up your camping stuff before we hit the trails and the longer you will have to meet the other owners and look at their rides.

We are looking forward to a very fun and successful event and can't wait to meet all you guys.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
The question has arisen on a couple of different occasions about the facilities(or lack thereof) at the camp site so I called Darren(ohpoo2) and asked. He informed me that there is a bathroom on site with a working toilet. There is also an emergency shower but the water is not heated. Being the event is in Nov. I would imagine that any showers taken would have to be "emergency" in nature. There is a well that pumps water into a large holding tank and that water is used to flush the toilet and run the shower. So guys you can tell your wives or GFs that they will have a place to go potty other than the palmetto bushes. As for us guys, the toilet will be for #2 purposes only. I would recommend however that just to be safe you might want to throw a roll of TP in your bag.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
Alright guys I'm gonna give you some phone numbers to write down. These are the people you need to call if you have any issues en route to Holopawlooza that would make you later than 9:30am on Sat morning. These guys can also answer most of your questions about the event you might have.

Mark Hughes(smokeater11) 863-559-6910
Chris Williams(yANK) 407-433-9385
Darren McGhee(ohpoo2) 407-729-3991
Franko (franko289) 561-281-8150

There may be some more numbers added to this list at a later time so check back again before you head out on Fri or Sat.

Note: we all have jobs and can't always answer our phones so please leave a message with a name & number and we'll get back to you ASAP.


Bronco Guru
May 29, 2003
Cape Coral, FL
Again I will have to miss yet another event. The wifes uncle is arriving from WV and they want us to come and stay with them in Daytona with them for the weekend. My daughter is more upset than I am. She really wanted to go.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
That's understandable but why not send the wife to Daytona and you and your daughter come to Holopawlooza. That way everyone gets what they want. It isn't your uncle.........;D


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
The wife is amenable to coming...One condition is I HAVE to find the most comfortable blow up mattress available. What'd you guys recommend?


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
The wife is amenable to coming...One condition is I HAVE to find the most comfortable blow up mattress available. What'd you guys recommend?

I am sure this wont help but I am soft and squishy


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
um thanks? for the offer Bax, but she said she'd rather check out the mattress Frank suggested...


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
That's really cool that you guys are coming. She'll have a good time, there are gonna be quite a few other ladies there for her to hang out with.


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
At least we don't have to go kidnap him.


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
:) Now the debate is do we bring ourselves or bring the bronco, which I KNOW has issues with the front locking hubs, i.e. I screwed up when reinstalling and they have issues unlocking. I've also not tested it offroad yet, so not sure how it will do...

We may just make it a camping weekend and hitch rides here and there.