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Florida Broncopalooza 2009 !!!!


Full Member
Sep 11, 2007
The landowners group at Suburban estates is a very small part of the actual # of land owners and believe that they should control everything that goes on there. I am a land owner and it is my place you will be using and I don't agree with much that they stand for. The biggest thing you need to do is be respectful of other peoples property and belongings. Sometimes things down there look like junk or maybe even abanonded, but it very well may be that persons idea of a camp. Some people will complain about a large group of trucks in there together, but there isn't much they can do about it other than complain. As a property owner they have positively no rite to tell me who or how many guests are allowed to come with me. The person who lets you in the gate just has to have some responsibility for you and make sure you are able to get out when you need to. I can say that when everyone who is involved with our camp is present [which happens a couple of times a year] we have over 30 keys to the gate [keys=property owner], which means we have more property owners with us than there are in the whole landowners group they have formed.

I am also a landowner at Surburban Estates.

Butch is right be respectful of others and their land. Clean up after yourself and take home what you bring in..Similar rules to everywhere you go now a days.

Basically, tread lightly (I know everyone has heard that before)....

Looking forward to the weekend.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
Well guys my family made it back home around 12:30 safe and sound with no issues. We then all proceeded to make mud pies in the bathtub. It is very nice to be clean again!!

I want to thank everyone who attended Holopawlooza 2009. We had a great time and did some fun wheeling and met some great new Bronco people as well as reconnected with some old friends. I really do feel this event was an obvious success and look forward to next years edition. If ya'll missed the event you missed some great wheeling(especially the night run), some great food(Bax is the BBQ king and Jeff's gator tail was awesome), some great camp fire BS complete with a pickin & grinning session by Brandon(Banjer Picker) and a lot of meeting & greeting. I personally made a lot of new friends. My wife and oldest son had a lot of fun too around camp and out wheeling. This was their first wheeling and camping trip ever and both have said that they want to go again. That's a success in itself.

Again special thanks to Butch for the use of his camp and facilities and thanks to you guys for taking care of his place. Thanks to everyone for all the nice compliments to myself and Franko over the weekend concerning the event. We both put in a lot of time to make this thing go off and your nice comments are very appreciated. I hope that we can make next year event even bigger and better. I was unable to get an offical count on EBs there but I know it was somewhere in the 30s. Maybe someone else was able to get a better count.


Bronco enthusiast
Jul 7, 2008
A BIG thanks To Everyone .... This Was One Great Weekend !!!
See Ya All Next Year !!!
:cool: ;)


Jr. Member
Jan 28, 2008
Thanks to everyone for making this great event possible! Even though my bronco couldn't be there, I still had a great time. A special thanks to darren for driving my girlfriend and I around all day and night, and to Parker for giving me a lift down to holopaw. I hope to see everyone again next year.


Jr. Member
Feb 9, 2009
Tampa, Florida
Thanks to everyone who organized the event. You guys did a great job! I had so much fun and it was great to meet everyone. I can't wait for next year!!! Next year will be with my bronco!


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
We made it home at about 4:00. Its a long drive but WORTH EVERY MILE!!! I had an awesome time. I am really looking forward to the next one and hopefully the wife can make it too.

Big thanks to everyone who made this a success. Butch, thanks for letting us use your camp, that is one primo location! Thanks to the rest of the owners who ran to the gate to let us in and out, and for guiding us round the place; I know I would have been lost without you. Thanks FRANKO, SmokeEater11, Yank, and OhPOO for organizing this event, special thanks to FRANKO for the sweet shirts. My stomach and the scale want to give Bax a big thanks for the RIBS and BRISKET the likes of which I've never had in my life.

cwarren, thank for keeping me company on the ride down and back. I'll be calling you when it comes time for floorpans. It was great meeting you and your bronco is gonna look great, get busy so we can see it out there next year.

SmokeEater11 hit the nail on the head. This was a great time to meet new people and reconnect with old friends. Its great to see how many excellent bronco nuts we have in Florida. I can't wait for next year!

P.S. who did I talk to about the c-channel bumper?


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
Parker you're quite welcome!! I had a great time with you and Brandon& Janna Friday night in our own personal BS session. And thanks for riding wingman with me Sat night on that sweet run Chris put us through. You gotta pick one of your rigs and make it into a certified wheeling machine so you can go on the night run in your own rig next year.


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
Yea, Brandon and Jana, don't think I forgot about y'all, try as Jana did to help me forget the whole evening! I had a great time staying shooting the breeze, and thanks for the entertainment saturday night! Mark, the tan one will be getting 2.5 suspension, 1" body, 33x12.50s and a 351w. Not sure on the timing, I'll have to submit a petition for more garage time!


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
Yea, Brandon and Jana, don't think I forgot about y'all, try as Jana did to help me forget the whole evening! I had a great time staying shooting the breeze, and thanks for the entertainment saturday night! Mark, the tan one will be getting 2.5 suspension, 1" body, 33x12.50s and a 351w. Not sure on the timing, I'll have to submit a petition for more garage time!

She did try awful hard to get us all trashed Friday night didn't she!!

Those upgrades should considerably help the cause for the tan one. Also remember one thing, mommas with new babies go to bed early, so you should be able to sneak out to the garage and get some work done at night once they go to bed. Burn that midnight oil, that's what I had to do.


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2006
Saint Cloud
I am planning a bronco run in mar corpit west palm anyone wants to go let me know, this is a grate place to wheel and a night of food and fun all done at kevins house the blue uncut bronco his first time out he loved it also the first time he ever drove his bronco and it made it all day and night . I will post more info later date. I had a blast and its was nice to meet all the new bronco guys and see some of the old ones cant wate to next year.


Bronco enthusiast
Jul 7, 2008
I am planning a bronco run in mar corpit west palm anyone wants to go let me know, this is a grate place to wheel and a night of food and fun all done at kevins house the blue uncut bronco his first time out he loved it also the first time he ever drove his bronco and it made it all day and night . I will post more info later date. I had a blast and its was nice to meet all the new bronco guys and see some of the old ones cant wate to next year.

awesome ....
let me know what date / weekend would be best for you guys !!!
I start a new thread for ya all and help you out in any way i can !!!


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
I just put my tent away from this event. May be indicative of the pace at which my broncos get built....


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
It must of been that spurt of energy you get after having a baby?