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got screwed by the bronco graveyard... again

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Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2002
Petoskey, MI


Do you even understand how big their operation is? Do you understand how hard it is to maintain stock?

Do you think it is reasonable to include "Special Shipping Instructions" on orders that you have put off till days before your wheeling trip?

Is it their fault if you don't know EXACTLY which part you need and order a part that may be for a diffrent year?

Do you think it is logical to order a nessesary part with enough time to deal with a possible mistake (theirs OR yours)?

Do you think that sence you had an issue last time and they didn't get Scotty to beam you the part instantly that they are not able to clear things up EVER?

:p %) :-[

I'm NOT try'n to say they are great and you are 100% wrong... BUT you won't even give them a chance to fix it cause yer still ticked over an issue you had last time?

I am SURE JBG makes mistakes that are 100% their fault, but as a whole they do a GREAT job!!! I have had issues with orders, but I was as much to blame if not more so than them, I OWN the vehicle I am ordering parts for... I SHOULD KNOW what part I need, all the way down to the part number, it ONLY their responsibility to sell & ship it, if I ordered a door latch for a 69 and I own a 67, why is that THEIR fault? ?:?

Get frustraighted, sure, BY ALL MEANS! You have the right to feel how you wish... BUT at-least take responsibility for YOUR actions. I'm not sure who said it but "to error is human, to forgive is devine". I think the biggest reason you are ticked is that YOU didn't allow for ANY mix ups in your time schedule OR put off ordering your parts till the last possible min. Stuff happens...it's life!

Bad service is when the business see's the mistake and tells you to get bent regardless if it's your fault or theirs, and it dosen't look like that took place here.

sry but it's getting silly is all!!!

...but i digress



Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
LOL Slick you crack me up, tell us how you really think;D but yes I do agree with ya:p


Sr. Member
Oct 10, 2005
Jeffersonville, IN
Hey, I just needed someone a place to vent @ the time, I was pissed, & yes shit happens.. I made it work, it's not that big of a deal.. I can't believe this many people are responding.. and slick, I own a 67 & ordered a part for a 67, & I order parts when they break, I can't forsee the future & order them ahead of time unless it's an upgrade I'm planning. shit just happens to break before I go on a trip..!


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
racebronco, did you contact them and give them a chance to clear it up? Per site rules you can only complain about a vendor if you've first given them a chance to make it right.

I gave them a chance to make it right last time & they never sent the right part leaving me stuck @ home instead of out wheeling. I don't have time for them to send me another part unless I want to stay home again.. and I don't..
Well without contacting them first to give them a chance to work it out then this thread is really just vendor bashing. I understand the desire to vent, but please follow the forum rules when posting vendor complaints.

I'll go ahead and lock this thread now. I'll reopen it if you want to let the vendor have a chance to correct the situation.

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