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Hello Everyone


Bronco Goddess
Apr 11, 2005
Surprisingly, the gf is into it, and willing to help me do the work. Though, she feels that the '76 is a "her size Bronco". She has the strange notion that I will let her drive it. Not only that, but that we can go offroad together, her in '76 and I in '88.

See, not all girlfriends are lame. I highly recommend letting her drive. Your other option is to go ahead and start saving for another, 'cause she'll inevitably want one.


Jr. Member
Mar 22, 2008
x2 on trips to the ER just got 9 stitches in my forearm on monday.damn those cut fenders are sharp...came home from hospital and found the bolt had loosened when breaker bar slipped.those radius arm bolts suck.welcome to the site and be careful.


Bronco Guru
Jan 3, 2006
La Costa, CA
I got knocked out one day (for about an hour I think) taking a socket wrench to the head from trying to remove a nut from a bolt holding the roll bar in place! I woke up and grabbed my angle grinder to finish the job!

Damn...I love my angle grinder!


Full Member
Jan 15, 2007
The best $800 you'll ever spend! Looks like you got a good foundation to work with. I also have an '88 FSB but I hardly get to drive it anymore. My 17 yr old daughter has claimed squater's rights and pulls her horse trailer with it. Welcome and happy tinkering!


Full Member
May 20, 2008
P.R. of NJ
Oh, I can definately say my gf is NOT lame when it comes to this stuff. She is really into muscle cars and trucks, and she is VERY supportive when it comes to my toys. She grew up on a horse/cattle farm in Jersey, and she is used to getting her hands dirty. It's great because she can squeeze into areas that I have some issues getting into (at 6'0" 220 lbs. I tend to wack my head on a lot of stuff.) She can sow too, so I'm trying to get her to make some custom seats for me.

As of right now, I am just looking at what you all and others have done to their rigs to get a better idea of where I want to go with it. I think I'll start simple, replacing fluids, and doing body work. Once I get it to a "stock" level with the body, then I'll look into roll cages, and what not. I'm not sure about a lift yet, because I want to be able to garage it, and I'm getting close to not being able to get it through the door as it is. I definately want door cutouts. That much I know at this point.

The list is started. Top on it is getting the clutch fixed so I can easily move it in and out of the garage. The '88 works great for pushing and pulling it right now, but I'd rather have it move under it's own power sooner than later.

Either way, I'll have fun with it. I say it won't hit the trails, but I have a funny feeling that will change. ;)

Happily, in all my hours spent wrenching on my toys, I have yet (knock on wood) to go to the hospital. I did manage to grind my knuckles yesterday, but it was minor, and I always wear gloves. And when I grind, paint or sand, I wear a respirator and face shield. I'm a web designer that went to an art college, and learned my lesson about wearing a respirator. (Since I didn't all through college.)

BamaBronc - I don't know what your engine/tranny set up is in your '88, but it must be better than mine because I can barely pull a bass boat without the tranny complaining. Then again, the AOD is going anyway...

69 Fl. Bronc - I am asking $400, but as of right now I have someone interested. He is taking his time getting back and forth, but I'll let you know what's happening with it if you want. Send me a pm with your email and I can contact you if something happens.

Anyway, yeah, I'd say for $800 I got a pretty good deal. (Considering that there were some other EBs around Jersey that had no engine, about the same condition body wise, and they wanted $1800 or more for it.)