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Holley Sniper ignition questions


Jr. Member
Dec 31, 2019
I am looking at the Holley Sniper efi for my stock 1986 5.0 I am trying to control my spending a little these days. Would this distributor work? https://www.summitracing.com/parts/aaz-84-2892
If it would is there any reason to skip it and use Holley's?
What are my options for the ignition controlbox? I can get all the Holley stuff just wanting to know if there are good oem style or other decent options?

Any input on Sniper vs Fitech or anything new?


Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2012
Most folk seem to prefer Sniper right now. Not a lot of difference between the two but Holley had much better customer service....

Regarding the distributor....you do not "have to" run an accommodating distributor unless you want the Sniper computer to control your timing.
Having said that I would definitely try to go with a distributor that is compatible. Computer controlling the timing is a good thing.....

These guys will know whether that distributor will work or not...


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
That linked distributor looks like a TFI distributor. Not what you want for a Sniper. Although I think it could actually work. There are no instructions for using it, so you would be making educated guesses. The PIP might(?) trigger the points input? I would not suggest spending money to find out.

Do you have any distributor for your engine right now?

Dual sync is NOT needed for Sniper timing control. I played around with the magnetic pickup Duraspark and it works. Went in and locked out the centrifugal advance. Removed the vacuum advance and made a wire to lock it in place. By bending the wire you can adjust the reference point between the pickup and the rotor. Do this to align the spark on the rotor to the trigger on the pickup. Holley says you need an adjustable rotor to dial this in, BS! The adjustable toror just tunes the rotor to the relutcor (and thus pickup). Exactly the same tuning can be done by moving the pickup in the housing. I did have to sacrifice a distributor cap to tune this. drill a big hole, put a timing light at it, run the timing up and down with the hand held controller and make sure the rotor stays within range of the posts on the cap


Jr. Member
Dec 31, 2019
Your right I didn't see thar was a tfi. How about one of the HEI type?