None of the vehicles I've found on craigslist have proof of the rebuild, but they all elude to it in the ads and they say the prior owner rebuilt it. Well, I still haven't heard from the machine shop on the head, but I went ahead and photographed the engine for you all to look at and provide analysis.
I learned that it has 60 over pistons, so if the bottom end is toast, I'll probably need to source a new block (unless they sleeve and do 80 over pistons still).
The only concern with the top of the pistons I saw was on the #6 cylinder which had 100 psi during my compression test (far from the worst one). It may be that previously the owner dropped a valve or something, as it has a bunch of score marks. The head did not show any evidence of this. I suspect that someone took a head from a different rig and put it on this bored over block, but not sure - will get casting numbers from head next time I call the machine shop.
Anyhow, here are the pictures (there are many, so sorry in advance).
Please tell me if you see anything out of the ordinary, particularly with the top of the block where the head gaskets were. The driver's side looks worse than the passenger side, but what do I know.
I have not sanded down the top of the block yet, but it has been cleaned with carb fluid and a paper towel to get good pictures.
I don't feel any ridges at the top, and could not visibly see any scoring on the cylinder walls, either. It almost looks like someone recently rebuilt it. Here goes:
The one with 60 psi (#4) and 55 psi (#5):
Bad number 6 with 100 psi (before I cleaned it):
Some funky block off plate on the block - think there is a freeze plug here normally?
The rest of them at TDC or BDC, random order, and all of them after cleaning: