Not sure who Jessie Pinkman is?
I forget her name, but she has an identical twin. I later found out from a "friend" that they do porn too. Hell, if I knew that I would have suggested a followup shoot to Barely Legal #7! (some of you know EXACTLY what I am referring to from a great thread back in the day!) ;D
The magazine guy actually found out about the Balloon Chasers from my old "The Ambulance found a playmate" thread here on CB that I started when I got the F100.
It turns out, he grew up in the small town I now live in and his family is all here, so he and his crew flew in and he had a photographer come down from NYC and I think they got her from a local agency.
I was bummed the magazine never took off. The premiere issue was rather eclectic to say the least. I'm betting you and many others would have really dug it. articles Gassers, tattoos, artwork used on acid blotter from the 60's, surfing, punk rock, skating, etc.