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Major problem fixed!!!!!


Bronco Guru
May 19, 2002
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped me get my overheating problem fixed.Turned out to be an air lock!!!! I ran the motor with the cap off Until the thermostat opened(not until over 220degrees) When it finally opened, the water circulated, and i kept filling until it was topped off. Shes holding right at 180-190 now , and I have heat. Aprreciate everyones patience with me.
Just wanted to say the new seal kit and 78 motor upgrade work great. Now i just need a bypass valve so i don't melt my feet in the summertime like the last 2 years.


Planetary Offroader
Oct 12, 2004
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Most excellent. For future reference, before you install a new thermolstat, drill a tiny hole in the flat outer part of the thermostat. Lets both sides equilize whenever you drain and refill. Always works for me.