WELL, where to start? this weekend's event went better than expected for me...I truly hope everyone that came had a good time, I know I did! I have a bunch of thanks yous, starting with all the generous vendors, many of which I now consider friends..to the food crew, the NH BONES brothers, a generous donation of drinks as well as all the food and cooking and shuttling back and forth, you guys ARE THE BEST! ....to the participants that transported, donated, helped out....I cannot do this alone. To all the people that came out for a great cause, DROVE massive distances, stayed overnight (might have been a little TOO much fun on the Friday night street cruise!) ... my humble thank you. There were a few things I wish I would of remembered to do but I get caught up in the fast pace and trying to say hello to everyone and make them feel welcomed because they are! Being Armed Forces day, I wanted to do the Anthem as well as Pledge of Allegiance and wiffed on both, my bad. I don't want anyone to think that it wasn't important to me, I just plain forgot in the moment. This event started as me being selfish wanting to see all my friends once a year and now has turned into something, a movement perhaps, of good people doing good things. I don't have a ton of pictures but will post what I have. I SAY IT EVERY YEAR, I just acquire the place and time...all of you are what makes this event epic. Thanks and save the dates now, do not miss this event! tenative May 15/16...plan on the night before....you WON'T be disappointed ;D