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Maybe I'm too trusting ***(GOT MY MONEY TODAY)***

Chief Master Sergeant

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
Thanks guys! He hasn't been back on since my first e-mail to him. Something tells me he either signed up under another handle or is avoiding this site. I sent a PM to another member from Dayton to see if he knew what the guys deal was. No reply. Perhaps it's the same person. :)


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
If he signed in under a different handle, then Jon (admin) would be able to tell because of his IP address. Have you contacted admin yet?

Premium Concept

Jr. Member
Feb 24, 2009
Sometimes I like to gut check someone's sense of integrity and honesty. I recently sold a soft top for $100 that was in good shape. Didn't need the top, and wanted to pass along a good deal to another Bronco owner. While he was picking it up he asked about a Tuffy Center console that I had sitting uninstalled in the truck. Thought I would see what he was all about, and asked him what he thought he would give for it. He offered me only $30 for it and proceeded to take it. I wonder if he ever feels guilty for not bucking up and not "taking advantage" of a giving bronco owner.

I could care less about the cost of it, but if you don't have your integrity and honesty then what do you really have....

Shame about your $20, but trust me the member that bought it from you knows he has done wrong... Seems any one is willing to try and get something for free now a days.


fawkin classy
Nov 7, 2003
Athens, GA
Ya know, I have family and friends in Dayton that can swing by and ask what the deal is if needed. I will call my cuz today and have him swing by the addys and see how trashy the crackhouse is.


Bronco Guru
May 29, 2006
Sometimes I like to gut check someone's sense of integrity and honesty. I recently sold a soft top for $100 that was in good shape. Didn't need the top, and wanted to pass along a good deal to another Bronco owner. While he was picking it up he asked about a Tuffy Center console that I had sitting uninstalled in the truck. Thought I would see what he was all about, and asked him what he thought he would give for it. He offered me only $30 for it and proceeded to take it. I wonder if he ever feels guilty for not bucking up and not "taking advantage" of a giving bronco owner.

I could care less about the cost of it, but if you don't have your integrity and honesty then what do you really have....

Shame about your $20, but trust me the member that bought it from you knows he has done wrong... Seems any one is willing to try and get something for free now a days.

Dude , I'm sorry , but you screwed yourself in this case , YOU suggested he make an offer , then YOU accepted it , and now YOU are bitching about it. ??? Did he have a gun and scare you ??? Something is missing here.

I don't know his story , but right now , I'd like a Tuffy console , but it is way low on the priority list , if I ran across a used one for REAL cheap , and the owner accepted $50 for it , then I'd be happy about my good fortune and walk away with it. That is all it is worth to me at the moment , because my cash could be better spent elsewhere. I don't know why they would accept $50 , maybe they just want it the hell out of their garage ??? That is not really my concern.
On the other hand , if a Bronco brother was down on his luck , struggling to pay bills , and had stuff I needed , I'd have no problem "ponying" up the cash .
So , I don't know ..... would I deserve to be labeled as a thief because I would buy the center console at a GREAT price?
Rant over ...

PS : You got anything else you need to get rid of ? :)


Bronco Guru
Mar 4, 2009
boise, idaho
I agree with hoosierdaddy totally! If someone offered me 30.00 for my uninstalled tuffy console, i would have told him to piss off! you didnt have to take his offer. He probably just thought he scored a killer deal! just like i would have! dont bash on the guys integrity for offering you a price and taking it, then complain about how he should feel guilty for taking it off your hands. you could have easily said no thanks, take the top and have a great day!


Bronco Missionary
Sep 10, 2008
Gotta agree with HoosierDaddy as well. If I make an offer and it is accepted, that's the sellers problem not mine. Don't like the offer, don't accept it.


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
I'd be bragging about a score like that on ClassicBroncos!
Yeah what else ya got that you're entertaining offers on? :)


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
About two months ago my neighbor borrowed a cup of sugar, some kind of baking incident I was able to assist with, and they have yet to pay me back :mad:

And although I don't need them, just to pay them back, I'm going over there and borrowing some eggs, and I'm not even going to use them, yep, that will fix them :eek:


Bronco abuser
Apr 17, 2006
A couple of months ago I posted some wheel center caps for sale and was contacted by a member who wanted them. We agreed on a price and since I was leaving for a trip, I trusted the money would be sent and mailed him the center caps. After one lame excuse about the money order not being routed properly (Made no sense at all), he said a second money order would be sent that day. That was over a month ago and now he won't return PMs or e-mail. I'm only out $20, but wondered if I should out him on here or just suck it up to being an idiot. Thoughts?

man that sucks. chalk it up to a "stupid tax" and forget it (but don't forget WHO!)
one thing I've figured out about people is this...
those people that are trustworthy, are the ones who are the most trusting (and get burnt)
so you've earned more brownie points in my book


Bronco abuser
Apr 17, 2006
About two months ago my neighbor borrowed a cup of sugar, some kind of baking incident I was able to assist with, and they have yet to pay me back :mad:

And although I don't need them, just to pay them back, I'm going over there and borrowing some eggs, and I'm not even going to use them, yep, that will fix them :eek:

borrow the eggs, and throw them at their house! maybe ask to borrow some TP too
Chief Master Sergeant

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
Michael Homan finally decided to do the right thing and send me my money. Thanks to all of you who convinced him to man up. I don't intend to do business with him again, but I will call off the dogs. Hopefully he learned his lesson.

Thanks Mike for doing the right thing...even if it did take you months and a lot of convincing.