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Must have new/replacement parts?

Feb 16, 2011
I've recently purchased a '76 Bronco that I intend to freshen up over the next year. The bronco came to me in really good condition. 75,00 miles, no rust or body damage. The biggest non mechanical issue seems to be the dry rot on the rubber parts. I have already put on a new carb, 23 gal BC gas tank and am having the C4 trans completely rebuilt as we speak. My goal is to make this a very reliable, pavement only, driver that my wife can drive around town or on shorter road trips. What are some 'must have' parts or upgrades that I should consider?



Full Member
Aug 17, 2002
Tyngsboro, Ma
6-point roll bar and three point seat belts,

Check bushings in the front end, replace as needed,

Service the brakes and add power assist if not an option.

Inspect the complete electrical system, its over 30 years old,

Upgrade to a high amp, single wire Alternator,

Headlight relays,

That's a start...


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2011
North Metro, MN
The biggest non mechanical issue seems to be the dry rot on the rubber parts

I have replaced every part on my bronco and ill tell you that the new rubber seals crack after a few months, weeks, even days. Most of these seals have never seen the sun! The rubber looks better than the beat up 40 year old pieces but they crack right away. And most of my rubber has came from the biggest names in the parts world. Thats just broncoing for ya!


Good luck and welcome to the forum!!

Upgrade to a high amp, single wire Alternator
I dont agree this is necessary. I just got a cheep stock alt from oreillys (less than $75 i believe), works great for a street ride without tons of light and winch.

What are some 'must have' parts or upgrades that I should consider?
I like the idea of a cage and shoulder belts, but for now just drive it! You will soon have plenty of things that need fixing. Just fix things as they arrise but ask on here before replacing with stock parts. There are alot up upgrades to stock parts and some are cheeper than stock parts. Since you have a 76 i assume you have a auto and power steering and disk brakes so your already upgraded better than me! I hate my manual steering!


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
X2 on the electrical and brake system inspections. You have a good base and it should be very reliable. Might want to check all the fuel lines and replace the fuel pump or at least have one on hand.
Cages, harnesses, one wire alts are nice but not needed. Headlight relay is a good idea it does take some load off the stock wiring, another little upgrade I like is the intermittant wiper switch upgrade really nice to have that option. not sure what part of the country your in but some people also like the ch#vy heater blower upgrade for the cold months. You might what to browse through the tech articles many good upgrade ideas there.


Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2007
X2 on fuel system , drop the tank clean it ,blow the lines out and new filter.
I had a tank that looked great from the outside but looked like a cavern on the inside with stalagtites:D .

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
I agree with the cage part. Take a look at some of the rigs that were involved in accidents lately and you realize even a short trip can turn into a disaster. I won't have my kids or wife in a Bronco that doesn't have a cage and shoulder belts. But that's just me! Good luck and congrats on the rig.
Feb 16, 2011
Thanks for the replies! I am totally green when it comes to Broncos and mechanical know how but I am excited to learn. I just wanted to see what yall's opinion's were on some of the things that really need to be done to all Broncos. I am really leaning towards investing in the Painless wiring system to replace all the old wiring. I am also interested in you thoughts on new radiator, fan, fan shroud, etc to keep things from over heating?


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2011
North Metro, MN
I went with a clutch fan, nice and quiet now! Stock fan shroud is as good as it gets! There are alot of guys running champion radiators.


Grease Monkey
Jun 11, 2007
Ridgefield WA
My list for starts:
Electric fuel valve.
Hood and hatch shocks.
Better seats.
Doubled up floor& firewall insulation, headliner insulation, better tunes, Wheels & tires.
Now drive it and come up with your own list...

Can't agree with the cage. Makes the car too top heavy and easier to roll.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
If your not overheating now then dont mess with the system the stock system is about as good as it gets. As for wiring well thats up to you if the bronco is in good condition and only has 75K the stock wiring shouldnt be that bad. but the stock wiring is not the best setup out there, I've never installed the painless setup. seems to have much more than is needed for me I like the centech setup its nice and still fairly simple.

I can see the point about safety with a cage but really dont see the need for cruising town and short trips heck over 300K both street and offroad on my 73 and havent rolled it yet. basically you got to realize the vehicle is not a sports car and drive it accordingly. its a bronco its probably never going to be the safest vehicle on the road no matter what you do.