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my '74 Build Thread--408W/C4/Atlas 2 3.0/35 Spline Rear



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
Wow! This is a super nice build you have going. Good job!
Thanks Jeff. I hope to make your get-together this year. Seems like forever ago we talked about it. I get nervous thinking about a drive that far (39.2 miles each way Lol). Only because of all the ignition problems I had with the new engine. Seemed like I was getting towed home every time I left. Not good for your confidence.

My wife and I were going to a corn maze last fall in Shipshewanna (26 miles each way) and I said hows about we take the Bronco? She looked at me with true fear in her eyes and said isn't that kind of far? We took the Bronco and everything worked like a charm.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
As I previously said, I have fenderwell headers and full 3" exhaust with Flowmaster Super 44 mufflers. No crossover (duh). Thought I'd post a clip of her idling.



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
I've been fighting header bolts loosening. I don't have any header/frame contact. I'm running Remflex header gaskets.

I did some research and decided on going with a set of header bolts from Totally Stainless. BC Broncos sells these too but they do not list on their website how long theirs are and I wanted a set of 1" long bolts. These were slightly shorter than the set of ARP's that my engine guy installed originally.

These Totally Stainless header bolts are unique. According to the guy I talked to on the phone, the Nard washers are installed on these prior to the threads being cut. Also, the head is a little smaller than the normal ARP's which was a benefit to me. I have a couple that are extremely tight (1.75" primaries). They also make these in 5/16" head for a little more wrench/socket clearance but I stayed with the 3/8" head and customized an old wrench I had multiples of. Incidentally, the Totally Stainless header bolts are ARP's also. Some kind of a joint venture I believe.

Here's what I ordered:


Comparison of ARP and Totally Stainless (normal ARP is on the left):


And here you can see the Nard washers that keep these from backing-out. Any additional washers are not to be used for this system to work.


And the anti-sieze came with the set.


These two are fun with the dipstick bracket in there:


And here's my custom wrench. Couldn't get a non-custom wrench on a couple.


I couldn't go with Stage 8's due to room. I thought about safety wiring as I used to do a ton of safety wiring on M61A1 gun systems but these looked too easy. These aren't cheap--I believe about four times a normal set of ARP's--but I've been fighting this and wanted something that works. I took her for a spin and torqued them again. Hopefully these are what I need.


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
Hope that does the trick for ya. I've got the stage 8 stuff from Wild Horses and haven't touched them for years...


Sr. Member
Feb 11, 2007
Nicely done, FWIW those washers on the header bolts are called Nordlocks, you can buy them separately although having them captive on the header bolts would be a big plus.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
Hope that does the trick for ya. I've got the stage 8 stuff from Wild Horses and haven't touched them for years...

Maybe I should have looked closer at the Stage 8 fasteners. I just didn't think they would work but maybe the would have.

I hope this does the trick too. Thanks Don.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
Nicely done, FWIW those washers on the header bolts are called Nordlocks, you can buy them separately although having them captive on the header bolts would be a big plus.

Thanks. What was I thinking...Nard??? Maybe I was thinking I was a tard. Lol. Nordlock is correct. I believe Fastenall and McMaster Carr sells these washers but as stated, these are on the screw for good.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
Nice chassis work, wish I would of went that direction with mine while I was in that stage of the build.
Thanks stupidboy. I feel bad typing your user name as I'm sure you're not stupid (hell...you gave me a compliment). What's with your user name?

For the record, I really like this rear suspension. I did an impromptu launch from a dead stop yesterday--I don't normally do this. One tire was just off the asphalt. I was talking to a buddy and when we were done I said watch this (he and I are old snowmobile buddies). The tire on the asphalt howled. I had no squat or anything weird. Not having all the knowledge of building a four link I'd go this direction again in a heartbeat. I still have a ways to go (mainly in the front end and engine tuning) but I like where I'm at/going.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
I've had the Bronco with the new motor to Silver Lake Sand Dunes a total of five trips since July last year. Ranging from 10 days (two of these--one with the ignition problems) to two days.

Engine has tons of power but if I stay too long in the secondaries it acts like it's running out of fuel. My engine builder says his initial thoughts are tank venting or float level. I have a rebuilt stock tank and it vents through the cap only. Logically I may be pulling a vacuum on the tank with only the vent cap. Float bowls seem like they make sense too. Incidentally, this running out of fuel feeling happens on the street as well as on a hill.

I called a local speed shop about a tuner in the area with a chassis dyno. They directed me to a guy not far from me. Called this guy and he does this all the time. Googled his name tonight and he's actually linked on the Edelbrock website for dealers.

My EB is scheduled to go in to him on 8/28. He said he will set timing (or make sure it's safe) and pull a dyno run. Then he will work his magic and then a final dyno run (with pulls as needed for tuning in between). O2 sensors will be in the exhaust ant that will be graphed along with HP and TQ. His rate is $95/hour and he said he usually gets an engine tuned in two hours. Needless to say I'm stoked and can't wait until the 28th.

Engine is supposed to be 415 HP/430-450 TQ. Any bets on what I may have at the rear wheels? Keep in mind each of my 35" tires weigh something like 94 pounds not including the wheel. I will post the before/after results. I hope it doesn't come-in at 150/150. Lol

And just because I like pics here's one from last weekend:



Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
I was going to suggest fuel injection to fix the problem but $200 for a tune and some dyno data sounds like money well spent. I'm interested in the numbers you put up.


Sr. Member
Feb 11, 2007
Engine is supposed to be 415 HP/430-450 TQ. Any bets on what I may have at the rear wheels? Keep in mind each of my 35" tires weigh something like 94 pounds not including the wheel. I will post the before/after results. I hope it doesn't come-in at 150/150. Lol

I'm going to guess around 250hp/270tq at the rear wheels when done tuning. Maybe a touch less, the parasitic drag from trans/transfercase and rear end add up.

I bet that even after dyno tuning you will still end up EFI in a year or so, it just works so much better on the dunes.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
I'm going to guess around 250hp/270tq at the rear wheels when done tuning. Maybe a touch less, the parasitic drag from trans/transfercase and rear end add up.

I bet that even after dyno tuning you will still end up EFI in a year or so, it just works so much better on the dunes.

We will have to wait a bit more to see. My tuner got really busy with the big weekend in Auburn, IN (where he is located). Will probably get it tuned the week after next.

At any rate...

Went to my first car show today with my buddy in his '63 Impala and his brother in his '65 Deuce. LOVED letting the little kids get in my EB and act like they were driving. Maybe we made a future gearhead or two. Had A FREAKING BLAST! Actually raced my buddy with his blown '63 on the way home and I think he was a little impressed with what I had. :cool:


Being an Oldsmobile guy I really like the W-30's and there were two there today. :cool:



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
A little bit of a challenge getting my EB into the tuner. He's swamped with cars to tune and he also does a lot of heads and builds complete engines. And stocks most Pertronix, MSD, Holley and Edelbrock parts and a whole wall of braided hose fittings. He is very patient and deals well with his daily schedule better than I would.

I got there today thinking I was going to pick-up my Bronco that I dropped-off on Monday evening--just in time to watch the first pull on his wheel dyno. I can't exactly remember the numbers but it was something like 242 hp/305 tq. Not really what I was hoping for but it was the first pull. And he told me my tires are killing me which I knew. A/F jumped to over 18 (!) on initial pedal to the floor (you can hear the hesitation in the video) then went to around 13.7 for the rest of the pull. Timing was off and there was a lot I left on the table. But advancing the timing will lean it even more so there's a lot to do on the Edelbrock too. Basically everything needs adjusted/dyno'd/adjusted/dyno'd/etc... He said he normally tunes an engine in two to three hours (@ $95/hour). Today I told him I budgeted 4-5 hours as that's just how my stuff rolls and he said he thought that was pretty realistic. Oh, and he told me that at 6K RPM's the tires were doing something like 115 MPH.

Here's the first pull on the dyno (I got a chubby watching it happen):


And it seems there is always a discussion on mufflers here on CB. I went with dual full 3" exhaust with Super 44 mufflers. IMO they are pretty loud and I thought I'd post-up a video my wife took of me idling by (it only gets quieter if I shut it off Lol):


I will post up the final results when I can. I think I will be picking it up on Sunday as he hopes to get it done then. He has some houses around him so he waits until Noon on the weekend to do dyno pulls and he has another car coming at two so he has his work cut-out for him.

And for a little twist, I have a free prize for the closest guess to my HP AND TQ. Closest to both numbers (I'll probably have to get a spreadsheet going Lol). Just have to post your guess here on this thread. Not sure what the prize will be but it will be free and will relate to EB's. I'll ask the winner what he wants from my stuff but I will not cheap-out and give him something like a Summit Racing sticker. I was thinking of the TBP Steering Stabilizer I have that I will not be using but the winner may not want that. The prize won't suck.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2012
Torrington, CT
I cant watch the video at work to see how well (or bad) it ran for the first pull but looks like I'll be the first to guess.

282HP 330TQ


Bronco Guru
Jan 24, 2009
I am just guessing here but I'll go with 285HP and 335 Torque.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
Based on our conversation on Friday I thought I would leave to go pick it up around 1:30 today. Just talked to him and he said he's still working on it. He said he'd be done with it this afternoon. I kind of feel like I slow him down so I'm going to wait for his call.

I didn't ask him any numbers but he said he's making quite a few changes. One thing I found interesting is that he was not a big fan of the Champion spark plugs--he likes NGK. He said he's changed the accelerator pump setting and installed an MSD coil and the new plugs among other things.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
Well he got it tuned. And I got it home. Was never really comfortable leaving it somewhere other than where I am at. Not that it's something special or anything but it's my baby.

He changed a bunch of stuff as well as the plugs and coil. There was not really anything wrong with my coil (his opinion) but he likes to match an MSD coil to an MSD ignition. It made 285.94 HP and 305.46 TQ to the rear wheels on his dyno. I'll have to look at the replies to see who is closest and I'll send a PM. Will probably look at this tomorrow.

Just in case anyone forgot, my engine is supposed to be 415 HP and 430-450 TQ from the builder. Right away the tuner wanted to talk about the numbers. His buddy built a 504 (I believe) with all the stuff--heads, compression, etc... It did 650 on the engine dyno but only did 495 on the rollers. He mentioned my tires kill my numbers which I knew.

Overall I am very happy with the results. I was actually happy with the power before but it just didn't run quite right. Come to find-out one of my problems was my limiter that I had set too low and I was hitting it. I thought it was running out of fuel but it was the limiter. I feel pretty stupid. However, I am really comfortable taking it up to 6K now as opposed to the 5K or 5.5K I had it set at. And he got the lean condition dialed-in (still goes lean when going WOT but it's better now). It idles bettter now too. Hopefully it runs like this on a hill.

He only charged me for three hours plus the coil and plugs. I rounded the amount up for him working on it on a Sunday. He was happy. I will be taking it back to him at some point when I go EFI.



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2013
Looks like 66broncoCT was the closest. He missed my HP by 3.94 and TQ by 24.54 for a total guess off by 20.6. Stutsmo was 28.6 off total (nice guess on the HP!) and Crash was 38.6 off total. Interesting that you guys (like me) thought the numbers would be higher. The tuner actually said he's never had anyone say dang I didn't think it would be that high. Lol

66broncoCT--I'll be sending you a PM later today after I look through my EB stuff.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the tuning works on the sand this weekend at SLSD.

Here's a pic of the pricing breakdown in case anyone wants to know how he charges for this type of stuff:
