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need 302 tranny help

Jul 11, 2006
my bronco almost finished.i picked up a factory five cobra that was
finished then messed up. never ran right blah blah blah. pulled engine
and am going through now.302 bored.030 over. my question to the 302
guru's is. it has a tremec 5 speed tranny but ineed to change to a performance automatic (please no grief,there are physical reasons).i want
good low end tourqe and an overdrive so at 70 mph you can at least hear
yourself. motor will end up about 350 hp. would c6 c4??? i dont know
about trannys(yet)

thank you in advance


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Sounds like you need a AOD the C-4 and C-6 dont have a OD option. Some of the others here know more about the AOD's and which ones to get than I do. But I would try and find a Cobra forum as they will have better info than we will. As some of these tranny's may not fit in a cobra to well. I would think that a small bellhousing C-4 would fit good but it doesnt have the OD your looking for.