New Member
I have a 93 crewcab F350 that I swapped a DT360 into over the summer. I had to cut the firewall and build a doghouse, so all the original heater and ducts had to go. Now I am looking to cobble something together, and because I am a cheap-arse, I am trying to work with stuff I already have. I am thinking I can use a heater from one of my parts Broncos. Going to cut the "leg" off that goes from the blower to the outlets, then turn it 90 degrees and bolt it to passenger side firewall, then feed it into my defrost ports in dash. Before I go through all this trouble, I am wondering if the heater is up to warming a full size crew cab?? It seems to me the area being heated is roughly the same between a fulltop EB and a fullsize crewcab, with the crewcab maybe having less room, plus the crew should be better insulated I would think. All of my EB's have been topless trail rigs or racing machines, with the exception of my first one back in the late 80's, and I only had a top and heater in it for one winter. As I recall, it never got terribly warm in it, but it had rust holes and other drafts. Climate in question is in the midwest.