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New Bronco Driver poll


Bronco Guru
May 12, 2002
SW, Arkansas
[quote author=h2o_dog link=board=5;threadid=17148;start=30#msg133051 date=1052883063]
I think there is a market for a non-luxury off road vehicle. A new BRONCO with boxy lines, a wide track, and low center of gravity (hummer-esque) with huge wheels and tires, no electric windows or carpet, and the PowerStroke option is a must. Removable hard top and hose-out-ablity with a $20K price tag ($25K with the Powerstroke).

I'd wait 3 years and buy one used.


I think he hit the nail on the head. But on one condition. It needs to be project that will be in direct competiton with GM's hummer. But they need to forget the recent bronco styles Late 70's, 80's, and 90's, and go with the early 70's style. If they could do that they would have a hit on thier hands> But I really doubt they are smart enought to pull something like that off.



Sr. Member
Aug 14, 2002
Redmond, WA
They already did - it's called the Escape. I heard they were thinking of naming it the Bronco but they didn't. i'm not sure anyone would buy a modern Bronco - it's too much of a has-been (the big bronco and bronco IIs ruined it). I doubt they'll do it.


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2002
Petoskey, MI
::) ??? ::) ??? ::) ???

In my opinion, they should do a "Bronco Classic" and do it up take'n some q's from the land rover D-90... sence it's a ford product now ;)

Use the same lines as the 66-77's but jazz up the inside, give it a new but simple basic look, like that of the rover and HEEPs that and I'd give em the dual side sitting bench seats in back just like the D-90. The only thing I'd completely restyle would be the top... I'd have it look like the 79-94 tops... to tie them in as well.

Top it all off with cattle catchers, winch and con-fer racks and a $56,000 price tag and you'd have all the H2 customers clamering to buy em!!!
