It's still relatively new, so you might not get as many answers immediately, from an install point of view, as you would with the other brands. But from strictly a product point of view, I think it's a great kit.
Price-wise it's right between the Painless and the Centech, and has had a lot of thought put into it.
It comes with some things the others don't, but also leaves a few out.
The only thing that I could call a "complaint" that I can think of right off hand, is that the fuse box, as nice as it looks, is really hard to get the cover on and off of. And mounting it might take some more thought than the others.
Probably just me though, and lack of experience with it's intricacies, but it sure looks like the locking tabs on the lid are going to be the first thing to brake off. So hopefully popping the cover will be a rare event. Or else I need a quick lesson in it's removal and installation
Be interested in what others have to say.