I broke up my Iron Butt trip on the way down. First to St Louis and then to OCBR. Going home I went for broke. I left at 5:25 and didn't get to Hartland, Wisconsin until 9:10 that night. I made a bunch of little stops to keep the tank topped off and several to walk out some leg cramps. I had a DQ to go and no dinner. About 250 miles from home I looked down to see my oil pressure needle going from right to left, all the way down. My temp was right at 170, no weird sounds and no smoke so I eased off the first exit ramp I could find. I checked the wiring to the sending unit, looked an listened but everything was good. I made it home but I stared at that temp gauge all the way. I will use my NPD gift certificate to get a new sending unit I guess. I was dead tired but felt proud that the Blue Old Bronco, "Bob", made the trip. Maybe I can get Burnie back down there next year. It was great to see everyone and thanks to those who gave my buddies rides and helped me with my cage.
There are a lot of things wrong with this picture.