This has really been my first experience with the new bodies and it has been an educational one for me! This was a complete package from Carpenter with all the parts and the hardware from them. The doors came pre-hung with the front clip and tailgate in boxes inside the tub. The gaps of the doors and the rear quarter panels were huge, and the fenders couldn't even be installed (Hitting doors, or sitting on top of doors). The doors were both moved rearward 3/16" - 1/4" and this allowed the fenders to be installed along with the grill. The fenders were the weld together option which allowed for the maximum adjustablility of the front clip. With huge amounts of patience, the gaps were made close to perfect.
The tailgate pivots at the bottom were improperly sized and the tailgate hinge had 1/2" of slop in the joint. The socket was cut out and re-welded into the correct position (each side). The windshield to window frame gap was perfect on one side and off at the top on the other. Upon examination, the frame was welded together off not flat! ... frame corrected to flatness and voila! The gaps were good! ( The holes on the top of the frame had to be slotted on one side because of the frame being crooked for some reason.)
Many holes were welded up and new ones drilled. About 400 to be more specific!!! Lots of holes!! guessed it! They have to be in a specific location!! .....19 on the firewall!
Why do they stamp the holes in the top of the drivers side door hinge post for the mystical switch that was only used for two or three years, but they don't stamp the holes for the firewall pad that was used every year?!?!? ....
Why do they spray the black paint in places and other places the silver weld through primer?!?... And the weld through is not in the seams (where it should be), but just out on the flat panels??? ...just to make it look good for the customer I guess!
Are all the shears in Taiwan dull? I think they are, because every piece to new metal has an edge that will cut you! Keep the bandaids handy!!
Anyway, to summarize what I've learned from the new body experience....
1. I understand why Maxlider and Velocity and others starting price for a Bronco with a new body is $250,000!... and why Jonathan Ward (Icon) doesn't use them ..
2. With enough time spent (great patience), you can make the body fit as nice or better that a Ford one!
3. You better have several Broncos as a reference and a guide while you work on the new body!!!!!!!
4. Metal cutting and welding capabilities are a Must!
5. You need to understand the physics of forming metal and have a big hammer that you aren't scared to use!
and... the most important of all, is to realize that this new body isn't really a Ford Bronco body!!!! Really!! Yes! really!! It is a REPLICA of the Ford Bronco body! It just happens to be steel, but made in Taiwan mostly, but not the USA and definitely not by Ford Motor Company! It is a REPLICA of the beloved Classic Ford Bronco! When you think of it like this, it changes the expected standard,
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and you can realize that really this is a pretty nice piece! A Replica that is really pretty close to the original!!!