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POR-15 to fill Rust Holes?

Vintage Steel

Sr. Member
Dec 17, 2009
Post Falls, ID
Today I decided that my floor boards were done rusting from the top down due to water getting trapped under the old rubber floor mats. so I ground them down prepped them and painted a coat of POR 15 over them. After a couple hours when it was time for the second coat I duct taped the rust holes from the bottom side of the truck this time painting over the tape effectively closing the holes. I'm sure this will work for the pin holes my question is, will the big hole in the corner under the gas pedal hold up.
Here it is so far.
My plan for tomorrow is to (bondo) in some seam sealer mold it into the original contours and apply another coat of POR
It's kind of an experiment and I'm not trying to hide anything as I have no plans of selling the old mule.
Everybody keeps telling me how tough this stuff is, I guess we'll see.
anybody ever try this?
...Pics won't load had to use links.
(and I know what you're thinking, if I put duct tape on the bottom, why bother with the POR, Right?)


Bronco Guru
Oct 16, 2004
I would think that the duct tape won't stay laminated, and when it loses adhesion, it will bubble and then peel off taking the POR15 with it.


Bronco Kineticist
Apr 29, 2004
My father-in-law used a similar technique to fill in some small holes on his rig. He removed the backing after the POR had dried. Worked great and is still looking great 4 years later.