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Push/Pull cables, tech. and sources



Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Broncobowsher said:
Personally I don't consider the cables to be very praticle.They are already in a pretty good location, where are you trying to move the shifter to that would be so different that it would require cable shifting? I could see in a tube buggy maybe?
Right now they are all hanging loose under the body and if I play with them a bit I can get one or two to shift. (Reasonably the only way to shift it right now is to climb underneath and use a big wrench) The bung on the side of the transmission I used to connect them is hanging loose with them. (No longer attached to the tranny) I would like to move it anywhere that will allow me to build a console that runs from the seat all of the way to the top of the dash. Not too easy with 4 shifters in the way. One of them I can incorporate into the console by removing the apron and adjusting the brackets underneath but that isn't going to work for the transfer cases. It really doesn't look like it will be too complicated to do. The hardest part will be building a bracket or brackets underneath at the case. The cable strength doesn't worry me and the pressure needed to shift the cases doesn't worry me.


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
I have been trying to build a shifter setup for my 205. So far I have given up on air and hyd systems. The Morse cable is most likely going to be my answer. They work and the last so thats where I am at. Some boats have wireless shifters but I think you still need the "feel" of the shift to get it where you want it. I am thinking of using the E brake pedal assembly for the shifter. I dont want a shifter sticking out of the floor.
