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radius arm nightmares *need help*

Crude dude

New Member
Feb 4, 2012
If you have bushings in hand, not on the axle, they will look like this <> from the side. The outside of the bushing <> isnt the same as the inside <> of the bushing. The caster is created by making parts of the bushing thicker and other parts thinner. This will turn the inner <> inside the outer <> (I know it sounds crazy but study them for a bit and you will see what Im saying. Now for example, if you are working on the Bronco with the front going to your left, the front of the <> inside the bushing will tip down for less caster and up for more caster. If either bushing is mislabeled then you have taken about an inch out of your lift or possibly added an inch but it really puts the front axle in a bind.


Bronco Guru
Jul 14, 2005
If you have bushings in hand, not on the axle, they will look like this <> from the side. The outside of the bushing <> isnt the same as the inside <> of the bushing. The caster is created by making parts of the bushing thicker and other parts thinner. This will turn the inner <> inside the outer <> (I know it sounds crazy but study them for a bit and you will see what Im saying. Now for example, if you are working on the Bronco with the front going to your left, the front of the <> inside the bushing will tip down for less caster and up for more caster. If either bushing is mislabeled then you have taken about an inch out of your lift or possibly added an inch but it really puts the front axle in a bind.

i completely understand the job of the C bushings, like i mentioned before...i dont really see how they can be labeled wrong. its not like they make a "pair" of bushings for a certain degree caster...its one bushing and ya use it one way on the front cap and flip it over for the rear.

depending on the mold used...i would think a mold for the caster shape and marking would make up the inside, and a mold for the outside of the bushing. so thats why i dont see how the molding process for the caster can be separated from the labeling process...it should be one step process.

with that said...i didnt not check them "side by side". but if they were wrong(mislabeled) then i should be able to effect either arm by swapping bushing. no matter the configuration of the bushings...the driver arm stayed higher than the pass side.this is my daily driver, so i can keep it sitting on stands longer than a weekend.